[generic] Where's everyone from?

I'm from Osaka, Japan. 2/3rds Swedish, 1/4 French, 9/8's Icelandic. Currently living in Dublin, Mongolia.

I mean, look at my location bar and stop creating pointless threads.

Mikey said:
Proud of it.
So, are you, like, in the BNP?

I don't really know what nationality I am. Am I British? English? Yorkshireman? Probably closest to the latter, although it's obviously not a nationality, it makes just as much sense as "English" does.
Also, I think I'm 1/8th Scottish too. Does that matter?
I have virtually no English or Scottish or Irish blood in my family line for about seven generations. I'm German/French/Native American mongrel.

Kind of weird.
I'm from Minnesota and also the SPAM capital of the world. Yup, that wonderful ham-gelly substitute for meat! I'm mostly german tho, its great fun.
Dresnar said:
Yup, that wonderful ham-gelly substitute for meat! I'm mostly german tho, its great fun.
How can it be a substitute for meat if it is made from meat?
Well its the governments substitute for meat :P. During WWII I believe thats what they ate for meat. I just don't consider it a meat, ham is ham not gelly and pig remains ^_^ if you know what was it in you probably wouldn't consider it meat either.
Dresnar said:
Well its the governments substitute for meat :P. During WWII I believe thats what they ate for meat. I just don't consider it a meat, ham is ham not gelly and pig remains ^_^ if you know what was it in you probably wouldn't consider it meat either.
Is it made from the remains of butchered animals?


Then it is meat, just like sausages and hamburgers are meat.

Just out of interest, is "gelly" the same as "Jelly"?
tehrealultimateonlinedictionary said:
n : a type of dynamite in which the nitroglycerin is absorbed in a base of wood pulp and sodium or potassium nitrate

So we can conclude that spam is made from ham and gelignite? Or as the adverts say, "It's the bomb!"
Either way i'm not a big SPAM fan. We now have SPAM Jam in which famous celebrites such as people from Happy Days and the mother and father from "That 70's Show" have come to publicize it, i've never been to it, maybe next year.
Big T said:
So, are you, like, in the BNP?



Hey, I'm just proud of being Kentish because actually I'm from Sussex. I just live in Kent. And this boy from Yorkshire at my school and I rip the piss out of each other because of our respective counties, so hey.