So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Iraq is a legitimate threat. For reasons not so apparent.
Ozrat said:Or proven.
Thats Ocenia. Basically, I am as to Trekkies are to Star Treck, as am I to 1984. Im even the Project Head of a Hearts of Iron mod for it.Bradylama said:Yes, yes, 1984, who is Brittania at war with, and all that.
Besides Mexico, one of the main reasons why America joined the WWI was German total war policy at sea. German submarines undiscriminatingly attacked all non-German ships, whether they be civilian or military, hostile or neutral. Many American ships were destroyed and lives were lost, so USA declared war on Germany and its allies. Truth is, there were strong forces in USA that insisted on joining the war since day one. After tragic losses of many American lives at sea, that idea got strong public support and USA joined the war.King said:During World War 1 and 2, Europe, both Axis, and allies, asked us to be join the war on their side and be active in world politics. America tried to be neutral, but we were brought into both wars dramatically. In World War 1, it was a possible attack from Mexico if they chose to agree to Germany's proposal of an alliance. In World War 2, it was a filthy attack from the Japanese.
Bradylama said:Tora! Tora! Tora! is 10 times the movie that Pearl Harbor will ever be.
Sander said:Hah! If the USA had been in the Japanese situation, wanting to have more power, then they would have done the same thing.
Again, silly prejudice caused by stupid movies like "Pearl Harbor". If you honestly believe that Japanese people are inherently violent expansionists, either you don't know a thing about Japanese history or you are a racist. Namely, throughout its history, Japan was so closed to the world that they didn't even start trading with foreign countries until late 19th century. I don't think they even waged any wars outside their territory until 1904, when they attacked the Soviets. After WWI Japan was ruled by a violent militarist regime that had strong expansionist tendencies, and that's why they joined the Axis and started attacking their neighbours. Expansionism and imperialism were official policies of their government at that time, and that doesn't make them any different from most other countries of that era, not even from USA (The States were de iure isolationist, but de facto they sought to spread their territory and influence whenever they had a chance). Claiming that Japanese have "violent personality" is equivalent to calling all Muslims terrorists and all Americans idiots. Just because a regime or a group demonstrates those "qualities", it doesn't mean they apply to an entire nation.Nnno. The differences between American and Japanese cultures at the time were simply too great to say that with certainty. While Americans were highly isolationist, the Japanese were violently nationalistic, and had a conqueror personality.