Mad Max RW
Mildly Dipped

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Those are acceptable credentials, no? Like that list was "finalist" paper. Does racism or preconcieved notions about a populace affect your choice? Does your love for history manipulate your opinion on the German and Russian, based on their successful past of grooming scientists?I'd pick the ones with the best credentials. Why would one ever have to pick a team of physicists based on name and location only?
Sander said:I just haven't exactly been able to find the data that refutes my viewpoints because you and Syphon never provide any. The one time that someone tried to present some data it was a thoroughly debunked work.
What you posted at the top of this page isn't evidence of anything. Hell, you don't even use it as an argument for anything. You just post it contextlessly to show...what? Nothing? Pfsch.Mad Max RW said:That's simply not true. Numerous times throughout this thread (and even at the top of this very page) you are given evidence contradicting what you keep posting and chose to ignore or dismiss it every time. I don't believe for a second when you claim you cannot find evidence refuting your own words. You appear to have already made up your mind about America and are deliberately looking for "evidence" that backs it up then toss aside whenever someone says anything that clashes with it.
If you feel that way, then stop discussing it with me. It takes two to tango.Mad Max RW said:This is why continuing the current discussion with you is a waste for everybody.
Go back and read the first post. It was about race in America in general throughout this thread. That's what Syphon started with.Mad Max RW said:It's hilarious to me how the discussion started when people trying to convince us the Zimmerman trial was based on race fell apart.
You keep bringing the discussion back to me personally. As if somehow that has any bearing on whether or not my arguments are correct. It's tiresome.Max Max RW said:But I deal with students on a daily basis who convinced themselves they know everything and say much the same things as you. After a couple years of experiencing the real world away from the safety of the classroom their beliefs make a dramatic change. I don't know what you do in real life. If you work or if you are a full time student. Are you a home owner? Do you have a family? Or do you live off the government? I am genuinely curious to know where you're coming from here. I put some of my background out there to give a little context to my side of the conversation.