German PC Games previews Fallout: New Vegas

Reconite wrote:
Makes sense seeing as NCR hasn't got New Vegas to join the New California Republic yet, so the whole area would use the caps currency still, seeing as it was close to where Fallout 1 was located.
Dionysus wrote:
It doesn't really make sense. Every settlement in FO2 used gold, not just NCR. I think that has essentially been retconned, which is a smart move if you ask me.

I maybe have a plausible explanation:
In fallout 2, the main supplier of gold was independant, and the gold money was backed up (and probably cointed) by 3 different powers.

But if the NCR have control over the main supply of Gold, it gains de facto a role as a central bank. It also has control over all the economies that use gold as a currency, by controling the amount of money in circulation and allowing them to manipulate the prices.

So an independant city-state would be really careful before adopting a money that could tie them up definitly to a foreign government (unless they themselve have another supply of gold).
Bottle caps, in the other hand are a ressource that you can pretty much find everywhere, in every old city.Nobody has really control over it, it's a neutral currency. The only problem is that at some point, the amount of bottle cap ain't going to be enought to sustain a growing economy.
(Unless someone find a way to manufacture them again, gaining also a central bank powers, leading other states to change their currency, etc, etc...)
Plus i guess the Hub still back up the bottle caps with water, they can't be very happy with the NCR taking over their brahmin business, trade routes, political influence...
But that 's maybe just a wild guess on my side.
Sander said:
- Goodsprings: When you leave the Powder Ganger Quest unsolved, you'll encounter them later when they are more powerful.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a Powder gang planned for VB?
Does that imply train travel will be implemented as well?
I'm not whining, just having fun with an OXM sorta attitude. Wink Of course this is good news. Smile

The correct line would then be:

This sounds kinda bad. I'm a completionist so I don't like it when you need to restart a game to complete it. Hoepfully this won't occur too often or it'll make getting 100 % achievements really difficult. I admit I was kind of sckeptical when I heard obsidian was going to develop this game and so far the previews are only helping to back up that sckepticism.

You have to get the faux intellectualism and 'reasoned' argument all the while ignoring the fact that you are the exact definition of a non-rpg gamer. Chuck in a couple of unintentional minor spelling and formatting errors (that you really believe that is how it is meant to be) to complete the picture.
Dionysus said:
Lexx said:
Uh, keep in mind, New Vegas runs in 2280. That's many years after the NCR-BoS war.
And there's no reason to think that they need to keep everything from from VB.

Right now there is no reason to not think it.
Weapons: picture of a normal and a unique 9mm Pistol.
I don't fucking get the idea of "unique" weapons in FO universe.
You name your pistol and suddenly it does more damage and possibly makes you a better shooter, what the fuck.
Goodsprings: When you leave the Powder Ganger Quest unsolved, you'll encounter them later when they are more powerful.

Also, I'm wondering why this German magazine got exclusive news
Germans are very persuasive, the history tells us.
Reconite said:
Also, I'm wondering why this German magazine got exclusive news that PC Gamer, OXM and PSM3 didn't.

Maybe they were just better at taking notes. Or Bethesda had another presentation for Eu media.
I'm kinda disappointed that the game will be the size of Fallout 3, but I heard that it would take a hundred areas to explore everywhere. They better be right.
Black said:
I don't fucking get the idea of "unique" weapons in FO universe.
You name your pistol and suddenly it does more damage and possibly makes you a better shooter, what the fuck.

Custom-made barrel, better internal mechanics, refined grip, maybe a different focusing crystal for laser weapons... the possibilities are endless.

You just have to stop looking for stuff to complain about, especially when you consider that unique weapons LOOK UNIQUE IN FO:NV YOU TARD.
Black said:
I don't fucking get the idea of "unique" weapons in FO universe.
You name your pistol and suddenly it does more damage and possibly makes you a better shooter, what the fuck.

Well a pistol made by an experienced gunsmith can be better than a falling-apart pistol found somewhere in the wasteland.
Black said:
I don't fucking get the idea of "unique" weapons in FO universe. You name your pistol and suddenly it does more damage and possibly makes you a better shooter, what the fuck.

Turbo Plasma Rifle, LE BB gun, .223 Pistol, Mauser, Little Jesus, Louisville Slugger, were all unique weapons. You might argue some were a bit overpowered, but it's not like they didn't "fit in the FO universe" for some magical reason.
Tagaziel said:
You just have to stop looking for stuff to complain about, especially when you consider that unique weapons LOOK UNIQUE IN FO:NV YOU TARD.
I'm not complaining about "custom pieces".
What I'm complaining about is this:
I'm complaining about magical weapons, they're like +10 science clothes.

Yes, that goes for Little Jesus, Solar Scorcher, Alien Blaster etc too
Black said:
I'm complaining about magical weapons, they're like +10 science clothes.

I sort of disagree, then again I don't have as much a problem with the "magical" clothing as a lot of people do.

but I don't think it's the same. like Tagaziel said above, there can be any number of modifications done to the weapon to make it more effective and better quality. or it could simply be the fact that it isn't as worn out as most other weapons you find.

the problem is when they give skill or attibute bonuses, in which case I'm more ok with clothing giving such bonuses than weapons.
The only clothing giving attribute bonuses that makes sense is the PA bonus to strength. Maybe some CHA bonuses for light clothing are justified. But things like Science bonus for wearing a lab coat or Agility bonuses, etc, are complete bullshit cause they make no sense whatsoever.
Few magic clothes made a little sense by a far stretch of the imagination, like white robes giving a science bonus, or workers' jumpsuits giving a repair bonus, and most of them were horribly stupid, especially the ones altering primary stats. (How the fuck does wearing Lincoln's hat make one smarter?) It would have been much better if they were replaced by skill modifying items, like tools, medikits and the like.

However i don't see a connection between that and uniquely designed/maintained/modified weapons, (like the Turbo Plasma Rifle) being significantly more effective. That's just... reasonable.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Avellone on game development: "We are currently working on the dialogues...
If that's not the best Fallout news of the last 6 years, I don't know what is.

as long as there's no King of Shadows and a whiny blonde farmer girl constantly asking me how it feels to be a hero, it's pretty damn good news.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Avellone on game development: "We are currently working on the dialogues...
If that's not the best Fallout news of the last 6 years, I don't know what is.

What, that they have dialogue at all?
The only clothing giving attribute bonuses that makes sense is the PA bonus to strength. Maybe some CHA bonuses for light clothing are justified. But things like Science bonus for wearing a lab coat or Agility bonuses, etc, are complete bullshit cause they make no sense whatsoever.

I didn't really like most of the clothing bonuses either, but I found ways for most of them to make sense. + to small guns = better stictching/less restricted movement in the arms (or something like that)

It also makes perfect sense for there to be unique weapons, people do like to customize in real life and fiction. But yes, having magical properties like cutting off every limb in one blow is a bit of B.S.

PS: I really like that bit about putting your face back together :P haha, also: that will be great if the world is as big as FO3. When I first played vanilla I went through a little over 70 hours and was still a bit far from doing and seeing everything! I still haven't been everywhere. It might not take a hundred years to explore, but I could certainly understand the game taking 100 hours!