First time out of the vault

My PC is not into having multiple lovers. He was being pursued by an NPC and giving in so wanted to break up 1st. His lover was at 1600 something affinity so I ran
to get it down to ~700, then did something the NPC liked and the affinity got to 2500 something. I ran the command again, did something else liked and got it to 6-700. At some point the lover became an ex in the process as the dialogue relationship status and going to sleep next to didn't yield Lover's Comfort. I was doing chores at a settlement when I got a notice my ex-lover was unhappy with me and it turns out it was now below -1000. I quicksaved to see what happened and getting near triggered an ultimatum. After quickloading, I think I used command to get it to 8-900 then did something liked but, although I was not submitted to something so harsh, the lover's dialogue showed little desire to even be a companion/follower of my PC.
For some time I kept an eye on the affinity and adjusting when it's outside 800-950, then when the cooldown expired did something liked, but the ex-lover kept being annoyed with my PC. I only wanted to go back to friendship, to the 750-999 status. I was tired of hanging with the ex-lover but didn't want to dismiss like that.
After 1-2 extra hrs of trying, I did have my PC dismiss the ex-lover, and in the process was told to take my time. Asking the the ex-lover to become a companion/follower right away worked. I left most of the ex-lover inventory intact, as memento, and downgraded the ex-lover X-03 Mk. VI to T-60d, but that's still a whole lot better than Raider PA.
I'd appreciate help to get the ex-lover back to friendship.
modav ca_affinity [#]
For some time I kept an eye on the affinity and adjusting when it's outside 800-950, then when the cooldown expired did something liked, but the ex-lover kept being annoyed with my PC. I only wanted to go back to friendship, to the 750-999 status. I was tired of hanging with the ex-lover but didn't want to dismiss like that.
After 1-2 extra hrs of trying, I did have my PC dismiss the ex-lover, and in the process was told to take my time. Asking the the ex-lover to become a companion/follower right away worked. I left most of the ex-lover inventory intact, as memento, and downgraded the ex-lover X-03 Mk. VI to T-60d, but that's still a whole lot better than Raider PA.
I'd appreciate help to get the ex-lover back to friendship.
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