Ghost Project: A stupid No-name Story!!

Draconias Galactica

First time out of the vault
Well, here's part one of, I don't know...4ish, 5ish part story I'm writing. Here's some background info (which should be in the introduction that I really should get around to writing, but I'm lazy; be glad(?) you got anything at all!): the narrarator (don't expect anybody here to have names, they rarely do with me) is the main charecter. The whole series is a bunch of flashbacks, until the conclusion, so if you see some weird present tense sentences pop up, that's the way it's supposed to be. The first part is set in the town of Port, which I threw into my stupid Great Trading Ring place from my last fic, FOR NO APARENT REASON AT ALL!!!! Well, there is a reason, but it was a stupid one born of writers block. In the first part, the nararator is recalling when he was about 8 years old. Got that? Good, now read. READ LIKE YOU'VE NEVER READ BEFORE!!!


     Looking back, this all probably started that day with the girl and her doll. Well, for me at least. For my brother, it started about a year earlier. The day Dad got killed.
     That day, Dad went out to hunt down some geckos. He thought it would be nice if we actually ate that day. I don’t remember much about him, since I was only seven or so at the time, but he liked being able to provide food on a daily basis.
     We couldn’t just grow brahmin for food. Mom’s side of the family, they didn’t like brahmin. Her and uncle Roge. They never told me why, but they both hated brahmin. So Dad had to go out and hunt down some food. Geckos, mostly.
     Geckos didn’t have much meat on them, so they were good for pretty much one day only. Anything larger than a gecko was usually a deathclaw or a radscoprion. Nobody hunts those for food. They’re not that stupid.
     So Dad went out to find a gecko or two and put some bullets in them. My brother went with him. They hung out a lot, my dad and my brother. Me, I spent most of my time with my mom. She always needed some help around the house.
     The house was whatever building we were living in that week. All of them were falling apart. Some just faster than others.
     The bomb wrecked everything. My mom told me about the bomb. I’ve seen Dad throw bottles of old beer with a flaming rag in them at collapsed buildings, so he could make a door. They’d blow up, and destroy everything around them. Mom said the bombs, they did the same thing.
     The beer bottles blew up a small circle. The bombs blew up the whole world.
     Mom taught me a lot of stuff everybody knew before the bombs. She taught me how to read, how to write, how to add stuff. She said everybody knew this before the bombs. They had to, it was a law. There aren’t many laws anymore. Some towns don’t have any. Port had a few - don’t kill, don’t steal, and don’t rape. Break any of them, the rest of the town was likely to get together and kill you.
     Mom also had books, books from before the bomb. Well, that’s pretty much the only type. Unless you kept a journal, like I did. And even then, the blank journal, the paper and the cover, it was made before the bomb. I’ve only seen two or three books made after the bomb. But I read anything I could. Mom had a lot of books, before the bombs fell. So I read through all of them. You can learn a lot reading books.
     I learned about animals that were all dead.
     I learned about towns that were gone, or wrecked like Port.
     I learned about machines that used to fly like bugs, that swam like fishes, that ran like dogs. The dog machines are the only ones left, and they’re just good for the wheels they have.
     About the only thing I did learn about, that wasn’t gone, destroyed, wrecked, or ruined, was how to study people. How to watch them, how to understand them. Well, in theory at least. I’d spend days on end watching the other kids through my window. They’d play, and I’d watch. I’d write down what I saw. I’d try to predict what they would do. I learned a lot about people that way.
     I didn’t go outside much. I was usually either helping Mom with something, or too busy reading. I must have read every book we had ten times over. All that the other kids would do was run around. Chase each other. Kick things. Waste time.
     I was actually doing something important, or at least I thought. I was learning. Mom always told me I was smart. And not to sound stuck up or anything, but I was. I liked learning things, things that those other kids probably would never learn in their entire life. But studying people, that was what I did most. That’s how I got started with writing my journal. I’d just take notes on the other kids.
     Charlie likes Susie, that’s why he keeps shoving her into the dirt.
     Susie likes Mitch, which is why she keeps kicking him in the balls.
     Mitch is an idiot, which is why he keeps letting Susie kick him.
     You can learn a lot about people by spending most of your time watching them. I watched my brother a lot. Sometimes, it was like I was watching myself instead of him. Me and my brother, we’re twins. Not a lot of people know what that means. At least, a lot of people born after the bombs. You had to know things before the bombs, it was a law. I guess one of the reasons why I didn’t go out much was because I could just watch my brother, and pretend that was me out there. Most, probably all, of the other kids, they didn’t know I even existed. That was how little I went out. Looking back, maybe this all started earlier than I thought.
     But I watched my brother. I watched him most of all, probably. That’s how I know that on that day this whole mess started for him. Me too, maybe. Because Dad, his best friend, was killed by wolves in front of his own eyes. Because when you die, you’re just not there anymore. And that made him upset.
     After that, he changed. He used to be one of the friendlier kids out there. He’d break up fights. He’d get everybody to play together. He was nice.
     After that, he’d start fights. He’d break everybody apart, just for the heck of it. He was becoming an real jerk, fast. The only people he was still nice to were me and Mom. And Uncle Roge, when he stopped by. Which he didn’t do that often.
     Uncle Roge was in the business, according to him and Mom. They’d never say what that was. All me and my brother knew was that Uncle Roge helped out Mom a lot after Dad died. He’d bring over food, money, stims, stuff like that. We liked it when Uncle Roge came over, since that was the only time Mom would let us go out hunting. She was too scared to let us go out on our own, I guess. After Dad got killed.
     After Dad got killed, my brother turned into a real jerk. I knew it. Mom knew it. The kids knew it. But nobody tried to do anything. Mom said it would pass, and to just leave him be. I did. I just kept watching him, like I did with the other kids. Like I always did.
     The only time me and him would talk was at dinner, sometimes. Or before we went to bed. We talked a lot less after Dad died. Everything changed after Dad died. And my brother never changed back to the way he was before.
     But for me, everything started on that day with the girl and her doll.

     I woke up late that day. It was already about 10, judging by the shadow of the sundial we had in our yard. I read about them in a book once, and thought it would be helpful to have around. Even now, you can only get electricity in the big cities, and that’s usually only if you own the generator. I thought it would be nice to know what time it was. But, after all that was done and over with, the sundial was the first thing I destroyed. I don’t know why. Maybe because it was the first thing I saw that day.
     The first thing I did was I went to look for Mom. There was probably a reason she hadn’t waken me earlier. Our house wasn’t that large, so it didn’t take me long to find out she wasn’t in there. The house we were living in at that point, it had three rooms downstairs. The big room, where the stairs and the door were, and the window where I watched the other kids from. And the two side rooms, a room that would probably be best called a kitchen or a dining room, and a room with a hole in the ground that served as a toilet.
     In the backyard, we had seven rows of corn. That was how we got most of our food. We used to have cans with food in them, but after a few years, all the places that they were stored in were emptied. So we had to either hunt, or grow stuff. With Dad gone, growing stuff was our best bet. The dirt around here wasn’t as bad as some places outside Port. We had some underground water, and a well, so it wasn’t as dry as most everyplace else.
     There used to be a lot of arguing about who owned the well. Dad and a friend of his settled that eventually, by bringing out their riffles. That was the first time I saw Dad point his riffle at something other than an animal. He shot a few people in the legs, and nobody ever argued about the well again. Everybody owned it.
     I didn’t think that was nice, shooting other people. Even if it wasn’t going to kill them, and it was because he had a good reason.
     My brother, he was impressed with how Dad stopped the fighting, how he made it so everybody could have the water.
     But Mom wasn’t out in the garden. I didn’t know where else to look - most of the time, I was inside or in the yard. Port was bigger than that, but I never went anywhere else. So I went back inside. I’d probably just have gotten lost anyways.
     Since I didn’t have anything else to do, I pulled my journal off the windowsill it sat on, and opened it up. Inside were pages filled with names and actions. Who did what with who on when. I wrote down everything I saw. I knew each and every one of the kids out there, even if I didn’t know their names. I knew what they’d done. I thought, if I knew what they did with who and when and why, I’d know what they’d do.
     I wrote a lot down about my brother. I thought I knew what he’d do.
     I never bothered to write anything about myself in that journal. I thought I already knew what I’d do. But that was before that day with the girl and her doll.
     The girl was outside, actually. She was crying to everybody around her who’d listen that her doll was gone. It was just some pre-war doll. If it had a name, I never heard it. If the girl had a name, I never heard it. But I knew that girl loved her doll. She always took it with her. Sometimes she’d even talk to it. I always thought that was creepy. Talking to something that wasn’t real. Looking back, then, a lot of conversations I had were creepy.
     I listened to her, through my window, far away. She was definitely upset about the doll. So, I thought I’d help her out. Mom always told me to help out others. If I couldn’t help out Mom right now - I wondered again where she was - I figured I might as well help that girl.
     I looked through my journal, my notes, my records of who did what when and, sometimes, why. I looked for somebody who didn’t like that girl. I looked for somebody who liked to steal. I looked for somebody who was just a plain jerk.
     I found my brother sitting on the well’s rim. I didn’t know where many things were, but I knew where the well was. My brother spent a lot of time there, after Dad died. I could see it from my window, even though it was pretty far away. There was a straight path there.
     “Hey,” I said.
     “Hey,” he said back. He was peering down into the well. The well was just a deep hole in the ground, with a 2-foot tall circle of bricks around it, and a bucket tied to a stick in the ground by a rope. I sat down on it, on the other side from my brother, and looked down too.
     The girl’s doll was floating in the water below it. The head had been torn off from the body.
     I sat there, staring at it with my brother for a few minutes. Above us, some clouds floated by. Nobody ever stops to look, but the sky’s big. If there aren’t any clouds, you can’t really tell, but if there are, you can see just how big it is. I still don’t know why you need clouds to see that.
     “Hey, did you take that girl’s doll?” I asked, not sure of any other approach to take.
     He nodded, still staring down at the doll, at the water, at the well.
     “‘Cause she wouldn’t stop talking to it. That’s all she did, was talk to it!” I couldn’t argue with that - I had a journal full of notes that said pretty much the same thing. She’d play with the others sometimes, but mostly she just talked to her doll.
     “But why’d you steal her doll and break it?”
     “Because everything breaks. It would have broken sooner or later, so why not stop putting it off and getting it done with?” Back then, I didn’t know what he was talking about. So I just stared at the doll some more. My brother got up, and started walking off.
     “You still shouldn’t have done that,” I said, looking up from the doll. “It wasn’t right.”
     “Who cares?!” he shouted, storming off. And that was that.
     I sighed, and looked back down. The water was too low for me to just reach down and grab the pieces of the doll. I was still intent on returning the doll, but not as much as I had been before. Even knowing that my brother had become a jerk as of late, I still thought that he had to have had a good reason for doing what he did. Stupid me.
     I dropped the bucket down into the water, and tried to pull it over to underneath the doll pieces. I managed to get the body the first time. The head washed up against the wall on a small wave, and then floated back out towards the center. I pulled the bucket back up, heavy with all the water, almost too much for my tiny arms. But I managed to get it up, and lifted the body out. I dropped the bucket back down, spilling the water back into the well.
     The second time around, I caught the head. After I pulled it out of the bucket, I realized I didn’t know how to get the two pieces back together. I remembered reading something about making glue from animal parts in a book once, but I couldn’t remember which one, let alone where to get any animal parts. It didn’t look like it could be tied back on either.
     Everything is falling apart, some things just faster than others. Well, it was bound to happen eventually. I thought, maybe the girl would understand that. Maybe she’d be happy to have her doll back in some form, at least.
     I left the well behind me, and walked back to the yard. It was one of the only routes around Port I knew that were more than 10 feet long or so. The girl was where I had last seen her, sitting on a stump and whining about her doll. A few of the other kids had gathered around her, but most were ignoring her. I walked up to her, holding a piece of her doll in each of my hands.
     “Here you go,” I said. She looked up from the ground, and into my hands.
     “My doll,” she muttered.
     “Take it.”
     “You broke it. You broke my doll!” She was shouting.
     I shook my head, surprised. I didn’t break it, I explained. It was my brother who stole it, and broke it. I was just returning it, and -
     “You broke my doll you idiot! You don’t even have a brother! My dad was right, your whole family’s just a bunch of lying thieves who take whatever they want! You idiot!!”
     I remembered then. I remembered what I had wrote down in my journal, what I had recorded her talking about to her precious doll. Sometimes, she’d say how her father was ticked off. How he had a bum leg now, and how that no-good thief took what was his. I hadn’t know what she was talking about at the time - I was too busy recording it. But I understood then. I understood why my brother had taken her stupid doll, and broken it.
     And then, I was mad. I wasn’t going to let her get away with talking about my family like that, about my dad like that. My hands clenched into fists, without my even realizing it, around the doll parts. I shouted a phrase I had heard before, but my Mom had always told me never to use. “Fuck you!” I shouted, as I squeezed the two pieces of her doll in my hands. I threw them to the ground and stomped, stomped hard on them, crushing them into nothing recognizable. Breaking it completely.
     The girl was crying as I stormed off back to the house. And I was glad.

     Later that night, Mom finally came home. She didn’t say where she had been, and I didn’t ask. She had probably just been out looking for some plant seeds or something. There was a small woods nearby. It was nothing compared to the pictures of pre-war woods I had in my books, but at least it was still alive. Sometimes, somebody would see some fruit in there. Mom always said she’d like to raise some fruit trees, but she could never find any fruit.
     It was dinner time. We had a few pieces of meat from rats my brother would kill with his slingshot, and some corn. As usual. It wasn’t much, but it was more than enough to keep going. Mom refused to have brahmins of any sort, eating them or raising them, so our options were limited.
     “So how was your day?” she asked, ripping a rat in half with a knife and fork. You could find silverware pretty much anyplace, but you could only use the type that hadn’t been bombed. Those would kill you, if you used them long enough. You had to go to what were called ‘suburbs’, the type of place Port had been before. Nobody bothered bombing the suburbs, because the bombs were so big, all they had to do was just bomb the cities.
     “Fine,” me and my brother both said at the same time. It was always ‘fine’, unless something really interesting happened. It rarely did. Mom nodded, and went back to tearing up her rat. Dinner was never a big talking time, we were too busy actually eating to talk. And that’s the way the rest of dinner went.

     It wasn’t until later on that night, as I was trying to go to sleep, that I realized what had happened that day. I had started out trying to help that girl, but I wound up making her problem worse. Even if the doll was headless, at least it was still relatively intact. I had destroyed it completely. I did just what my brother did. She hadn’t even noticed the difference between me and him. And I wondered, knowing that I had acted just as he had, was there one?
Despite all odds (and ungodly lazyness), I have written a second part. TREMBLE, YE MIGHTY, AND WEEP. Or, shower me with soda. Either one is good. Now read.


Part 2

     I remember that, three years later, Uncle Roge stopped visiting us. He had never been too big on visiting - maybe a few times a year, four or five or so - but he just stopped altogether. It took a while for us to notice, but he definitely stopped.
     It wasn’t until six years later that we finally found out why. Of course, by then, we had guessed why. My brother went up to Ganter a lot. I went up with him most of the time, at first because I wanted to see someplace other than Port. But as time went by, it was more out of habit than anything else. Sort of.
     A lot of things with me had become like that. Some people, if they knew there were two of my brother and not just one, would probably say I was just following my brother around. Well, they were half right at least.
     I remember, at the time, I was confused about a lot of things. Too much observing, thinking, analyzing; and not enough play, I guess. And that day with the girl and her stupid doll, that hadn’t helped much either.
     Every time I looked at my brother, I saw myself. We looked that much alike. The only difference was what we were wearing, and that his hair was a bit scruffier than mine. Other than that, we looked the same.
     We looked so similar, that girl didn’t know I - me, the one who isn’t my brother - existed. She thought I was my brother.
     But my brother went to Ganter a lot, and I went with him. We didn’t really talk during the trip there, and my brother was usually too busy to talk once we got there. It was a lot like being at home, that way, except we were someplace else. My brother would go out and trade the gecko pelts he skinned, once Mom let us go hunting on our own. He was pretty good at it. I went along with him on the hunting trips, too. I wasn’t bad myself. Of course, killing geckos with spears isn’t that difficult if you outnumber them 2 to 1.
     He’d go out to trade the pelts, and I’d stay behind in the hotel room. Well, it wasn’t really a hotel. It was just an abandoned building that nobody seemed to be using. There were a few of those on the outskirts of town, so we usually had a place to stay for free. We’d be there two or three days, depending on how long it took my brother to trade in his pelts. I never bothered to go along with him when he did the actual trading - he said people would just mistake me for him.     He was right. They already did, after all.
     But that left me with a lot of time to think. I couldn’t help Mom, and I didn’t have any of the kids to watch. Of course, they were hardly kids anymore, but I could still observe them. At first, I had gone along with my brother because it was safer to travel in a group in the wastes, even on a “safe” route like the one from Port to Ganter. But by that time, both me and my brother were good enough with guns and spears to take care of ourselves on a mild route like that.
     I kept going, though. That was one of the things I thought about. Why I kept following my brother, from hunts to trips. Why I was mixed up with him. Why, on that day with the girl and her doll, I did the same thing my brother had done - broke the doll.
     And that wasn’t the last time I did what he did. Pretty much anything my brother could do, I could do. He could hunt and kill geckos, I could hunt and kill geckos. He could barter with merchants, and I could barter with merchants. If he was sick or something, I was the one that went. We were the almost exact same build, too. It took some time, but, somewhere along the line, something started to sound reasonable. To make sense.
     One time, during one of the trips to Ganter, my brother came back earlier than usual to our home-away-from-home. He looked different - angrier. Ever since Dad died, he usually looked angry but was like there was something more now.
     “What’s up?” I asked. He walked in, and fell into one of the old car seats we used as furniture. His hands were clenched into fists, yellow from being squeezed so tight. He was breathing harder than usual too. His eyes were locked onto the ground.
     He sat there for about a minute like that, before looking up at me. “I just heard about Uncle Roge. He’s dead.” Looking back, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. Six years without any sign of him...but still, there was a big difference between believing he was dead and actually knowing for sure.
     Especially for my brother.
     For years, my brother had been asking around about Uncle Roge. And nobody in Ganter had heard of him. That night, he had asked around again, but this time using Mom’s old last name, William. Somebody at his usual trading post had head of a Roge William.
     He had caused a big ruckus down in Harpel, stealing brahmin and then killing off a lot of the town. And a few days later, some guy with a scar by his mouth had killed him, somewhere around the center of the Great Trading Ring. That had been about five, five and a half years ago.
     Five years he had been dead. My brother didn’t take that well, either. He always looked up to Dad more than anybody else, but after Dad died, he started promoting Uncle Roge. He wasn’t around much, but my brother looked up to him. We both did. He’d take us hunting, and he’d help out Mom. With him dead, brother didn’t take it well. At all.
     He never told me why, and I never asked. Looking back, it wasn’t just then, it was all the time. Whatever my brother said, went. He was the boss, the leader, the...the first one. But that night, he didn’t tell me why we left Ganter almost immediately, and I didn’t ask. We slept out in the wastes, something we had tried to avoid doing. It wasn’t a very safe idea - there were some nasty things out there, especially at night. I could only guess that there were some even nastier things back at Ganter...
     We didn’t go back there for a while. My brother killed more geckos than ever, but we didn’t got back for a long while. Pretty soon, the gecko pelts he had started to pile up. We were running out of room to keep them in, even in a two story house. Mom would ask why he never took them in to trade, but he wouldn’t answer. He just said he was waiting for the right time.
     I didn’t bother asking at all. Whatever my brother said, went. After all, how many times does the shadow question the body?
     It was a long time before we had to go back. My brother got a lot of the things we needed by trading in gecko pelts. He was good at trading those skins. So was I. Once, when my brother was stuck in the house with a broken arm, I had to go to Ganter to do the trading. It went pretty good.
     And just like I thought they would, nobody there noticed that I wasn’t my brother. They all “knew” I was him.
     But we had enough supplies - farming equipment, stimpacks, ammunition, salt, that sort of stuff - so that my brother and I could stay away from Ganter for a while. So while I waited for “the right time”, I watched the kids again. They were all somewhere between 15 and 20 years old then, so I don’t suppose that they were kids, but I still called them that.
     I was still trying to understand them. But...I don’t know. It just didn’t seem as important anymore. There were things to do - hunting geckos, traveling to Ganter, following And, through it all, just sitting by a window and watching other people didn’t seem to matter much anymore. He had asked me once how I could just sit and stare all day. I didn’t know anymore.
     I had given up entirely on observing my brother. At least, for the journal. And I still didn’t bother writing down anything about myself. But I did notice something, something that been happening a lot ever since that day with the girl and her doll. I was doing the same thing as my brother was. Wherever he went, I went. For the most part, at least. Whatever he did, I did.
     He didn’t talk much to people, like he had done for a long time. And I was never big on talking either. Most of the time we talked back then, it was when we were hunting. Even then, it was just things like “there’s one”, or “I’ll go from the left, you go from the right”. But I saw what my brother saw, usually, so even things like that were rare. I knew how he’d act by instinct, because, most of the time, his instincts were mine.
     But one day, he just said “We’re heading out to Ganter tomorrow” at dinner. My brother had been getting restless sitting at home all the time, I suppose. I guess I had been feeling the same way too. Mom just nodded, and we went back to eating. The next day, we headed out.
     On the way there, I noticed my brother was being a lot more...observant, I guess. The closer we got to Ganter, the more I saw how fast his eyes were darting around. And he was walking silently, too. I knew something was up, though I didn’t know what specifically. But my brother didn’t act nervous, only paranoid, so I wasn’t nervous. That’s the way I thought it was back then.
     Our “hotel” room was still not occupied, so we had a place to stay for the night. My brother waited until a lot later than usual to head out for trading. He was still being cautious, but he didn’t seem worried yet. I couldn’t read his face precisely, something I had learned to do over the years, to see what he was being cautious about. I could tell what he was feeling almost as easily as I could tell what I was - sometimes, even easier.
     At about six, as the sun started setting, he got up from his chair. We had been playing cards to pass the time. We didn’t talk, but we could still play cards. Sometimes, I thought playing gin rummy between the two of us was a lot like playing solitaire. “I’ll be back,” he said, as he lifted the bag of pelts up and slung it over his shoulder. Maybe he was just worried about walking around with so many pelts. We had a lot more than usual, and theft and muggings weren’t unheard of in Ganter.
     “You want me to come with you?” I asked as I picked up the cards. A good, pre-war set of cards was hard to come by. It might be worth two or three times its weight in food or ammo. Uncle Roge had given them to us, back when we were still kids.
     “It would just confuse people,” he said, something showing through his standard tone. It sounded like concern, but I wasn’t sure about what. After he left, I noticed he took his riffle with him. Usually he took a knife or something, but he had never taken something so...overt as a riffle. Ammo was too scarce.
     When my brother was around, I just acted, but when I was by myself, I spent a lot of time thinking. I was going to play cards some, but I decided I’d just be keeping my hands busy while I thought. So I took a walk. That way I at least stood a chance of having something occupy my attention.
     The sun was still setting, so I decided to walk away from it, just to save my eyes some wear and tear. There weren’t any people outside, so my mind didn’t have much to focus on. I wound up thinking about my brother again. For a long time now, something had started to make sense. The whole incident with the doll, I don’t think that would have bothered me so much...
     ...if it weren’t for the fact that she thought I was my brother. I did what my brother did, and she thought I was him. How many people actually knew I existed? Basically, just my mom and my brother, with Dad and Uncle Roge gone. I probably had thought about it too hard, but I did start to suspect something.
     Whenever I thought I had noticed a characteristic about one of the kids, back when I still spent a lot of my time observing them, I was thrilled. And I kept looking for details to prove that my assumption was right, and details to prove it was wrong. It helped to weed out the short term things, and just isolate the long term stuff.
     I never wrote anything down about myself, but I did - unconsciously, I guess - start to look at my assumption. It was a stupid little one, but I couldn’t just brush it aside, no matter how many times I tried to. The harder I looked, though, the more proof I found for, and not against, that assumption.
     That I wasn’t me. That I was my brother. Or just another one of him. A copy.
     A shadow.
     A ghost.
     There was nobody who knew that I existed, that didn’t know that my brother existed. And there were plenty of people who knew my brother existed, but didn’t know I existed. It wasn’t so much a question of whether or not I existed. It was whether I existed on my own, or just as an extension of my brother. I was like a mirror. Me and my brother were definitely two different entities, physically at least. But when somebody looked at me, they just saw my brother. I tried time and time again, but nobody ever saw the mirror.
     Eventually, it just seemed natural to me. Besides, even if I didn’t believe it, everybody else seemed to. I was outnumbered. Who was I to go against that many people?
     The sound of footsteps - loud footsteps, the type that wants you to know that they’re there - brought me back to reality. There was somebody behind me. I turned around, remembering my brother’s extra caution, and with my hand instinctively moving closer to my pistol. “What do you want?” I asked.
     “You know why I’m here,” he replied. He had mistaken me for my brother apparently. My hand drew even closer to my gun, though he didn’t seem to notice. I didn’t see any weapons on him, but his hands were at his side like he was about to use them.
     “If you’ve got business with me, you’re gonna have to wait,” I said, as I slowly backed up. “I’m busy now.” I didn’t know what he wanted with my brother, so I figured it would be better to find a way out of there. I also realized I had taken on my brother’s tone of voice instinctively.
     “It can wait. You gotta die first.” Getting out of there seemed like a very good idea then. But before I could even turn and run, he pulled out a knife from his pants and charged me. I fumbled for my pistol, and turned at the same time. I could hear him gaining on me. I finally managed to pull the pistol out of its holster, and fired it twice over my shoulder blindly. He kept coming towards me.
     I knocked over a pile of crates as I ran, and I heard the man stumble. It gave me enough time to turn around and aim. Just as I was about to pull the trigger - at his arm, maybe that way he wouldn’t be able to use his knife - he threw one of the crates at me. My shot went wild, but I managed to hold onto my gun.
     It took him a second to get back on his feet, which was twice as long as I needed to re-aim. But I didn’t pull the trigger. He stared back at me, still holding onto his knife. Neither of us moved. He was afraid I’d blow his head off, I could tell that. I was just afraid of shooting something that wasn’t an animal. And this was the first time a non-animal had ever tried to kill me.
     “What’s the matter, huh?” he asked, laughing. It was nervous laughter - he was trying to re-establish himself as the dominant one. Maybe to throw me off long enough to stab me. To kill me. “You killed my friend like he was nothing!” Like he was trying to do me. “Your uncle killed my whole goddamn town, the fucking - “
     He didn’t get to finish whatever it was he was trying to say, since my brother chose that moment to smash a crate across the back of his head. The knife went flying away as the man collapsed. I didn’t know how long he had been standing there, I had been too busy focusing on the man trying to kill me. And, naturally, thinking about what it meant.
     “Don’t you ever talk about my uncle that way again you piece of shit!” My brother grabbed the man by his hair and dragged him over to the wall of a building across the street. The man was still dazed from the crate, so he didn’t put up much of a fight. I kept my gun on him the whole time - if this was what my brother wanted, who was I to argue?
     My brother stood the man up, and then slammed him two feet backwards into the wall with his boot. It knocked the wind out of him, and he would have slouched down, if my brother hadn’t kept him pinned to the wall with his leg. I could tell by the look in his eyes, by the way he was standing, by his breathing that he was pissed at this man.
     And judging by the man’s look, he hadn’t noticed the change between me and my brother. As far as he knew, there had been only one person the whole time. Otherwise, his eyes would have shown shock or surprise. But they were only showing fear, of what my brother would do.
     “Do you want to kill him?” my brother asked, almost to himself. He might as well have been - he was talking to me. He pulled out his own gun, and shoved it into the man’s face. He was too busy staring at the barrel of the gun to notice me walk up to my brother. All his eyes could see was fear anyways.
     “He said you killed his friend,” I said, in the same way I asked my brother if he stole the girl’s doll. I already knew the answer, I just couldn’t think of anything else to say. My mind wasn’t there anyways, it was back two minutes ago.
     He tried to kill me. And this wasn’t some sort of detached, just-for-the-hell-of-it killing, this was personal. How could you have a personal vendetta against a man you never even met? Did people really believe I was so much my brother that they would kill me because of it?
     “He called Uncle Roge a ‘no-good fucking thief’. Just like they called Dad!” he shouted, squeezing the man in-between his boot and the wall even harder. “A thief!”
     I wasn’t listening, though. I was still thinking about that man, trying to kill me. Even if I was just an extension of my brother, I was just the shadow. My brother was the real one. Why couldn’t anybody ever see that I wasn’t my brother?! Why couldn’t they see?!
     And, it hit me. It had started to make sense before, it had started to seem natural before, but it finally hit me. I really was just an extension of my brother. That was the only explanation I could come up with. How else could I explain the personal vendetta between that man and me? How else could I explain why I wanted to kill him, why me and my brother were both ready to kill him?
     I couldn’t. So, it happened. I finally became, completely and irrevocably, the extension, the shadow, the ghost of my brother. And like that, everything changed. My posture became my brother’s. My face became my brother’s. My eyes, cold fire behind them, became my brother’s.
     My brother either noticed and accepted it immediately, or had already accepted it a while ago. “So do you want to kill him, or should I?” The man’s eyes darted back and forth, looking for any chance of escape. But there wasn’t any. Even if he got past my brother, there was a perfect copy of him not two feet away.
     “What’s the difference?” I asked, and pulled the trigger.
*showers Draconias with soda*

Excellent, Draconias. Good stuff, very good.

And why can't I get the picture out of my head of the narrator looking exactly like Henry Fonda in Once Upon a time in the West? Heh.
I do not know why. Mayhap it be...madness?! Eh, what do I know, I've never seen that movie.

In order to get that picture out of your head, I presnet to you...a different picture. (Forgive the large demensions, but I AM AN "ARTIST"!!!)


Amazing, isn't it? I just started part 3 (4, if you count the intro I still need to write...), and I'm jumping all over this place again, so I figured I should at least try to let you silly readers understand what's where.

Some explinations: the dashed lines are trade routes. Aitain, Doris, and Rigel are the big towns, so they get more lines damnit. Those crudely drawn trefoils are supposed to indicate evil radiation death for those who near them (poor Harpel...heh). The words are all actuall land features (weird place, huh?). The raiders aren't around anymore, but that's where they were. And Cornel is just some place from a rant I wrote, and since it actually had a name, I figured it might as well be put somewhere.