Ghouls? Do they look better compared to older fallout games?

They look better. But fallout 4 design is still wrong whether or not it looks better. I liked how they looked like legit monsters in 1 & 2 they were falling apart. Now that look like kreugar on a good day.
I would like to say on a bad day, those ugly ass meatball looking things are in no WAY worth considering "Krueger on a good day".

Yeah he usually has his nose anyway.

Odd that Beth made them look so "inoffensive" and unzombie like. And then made them behave like shitty left 4 dead zombies. They were always zombie like but they were more Romero. Beth will you please just wiki your source material at the very least please. Goddamn it.
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They look better. But fallout 4 design is still wrong whether or not it looks better. I liked how they looked like legit monsters in 1 & 2 they were falling apart. Now that look like kreugar on a good day.
Are you kidding? I found them ugly as fuck.
All the the creature look over polished. Especially the deathclaws they look like their made out of play dough
Fallout 5:
The problem with Ghouls in F4 is that they look way too cute.
I mean it, they're adorable.
They are like the most nonthreatening creature in the game.
I see them running towards me and I'm like "awww".

I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but the Ghouls in F3 and New Vegas were generally scary.
Look at the Dunwhich building for instance. I get why there's a lot of hate for Ghouls in the Bethesda games, personally, on a more gamey standpoint, they work much better as they are with a 3D environment. But I would have preferred if Bethesda did something else.
apprently this is from a mod? (I need to find out which..)

I'd prefer some torn skin and 'gaping' lesions but I consider these to be far closer to ghouls than the offerings provided by Beth...

Well, I think the ghouls looked "okay" (I even liked the idea of "dried" ghouls, at least, that's a change), but they are not... disgusting enough. I mean, in Fallout 1/2 and even tactics, these guys were horrible. I remember, when I talked to Seth, I was afraid that my parents walked into the room, saw him, and lecture me about playing horror games at my age.

If your character took the time to talk to Ghouls, back then, you knew you were doing a good action.
You know what I mean ? When you take the time to talk to someone in the street, and the guy is in a wheelchair, he stutters, says weird conspiracy things, smell bad and he has a face even a mother couldn't love. Simply by talking to him like you would for a normal person, you make him feel like a normal, accepted guy, and by doing so, you sort of make a moral move, a good action. Same for the ghouls in the previous titles.

Now, in F4, you don't feel that. Yeah, they are kind of ugly, but that's pretty much it. They're not disgusting, they're just... different. You don't make a moral choice by talking to them like you would for a "normal" person.

On another subject, anyone knows what mod this image is from ? It kind of looks like Dragbody's work. Can be a lead.
In Fallout 3 art, they look like burn victims *still in a burn unit* and it's harder to rationalise how they would still be alive.
Fucking hell, the sound Ghouls make in NV... scared the shit out of me.

Whenever I unwittingly stumbled into a pack of feral ghouls, heard that horrible death growl, and realized I had a scant amount of hollow points usually ended with me running away to the tune of Yakety Sax.

Yeah, a lot of the enemies in Fallout 4 are too polished looking; granted the mirelurks are among the better enemy designs. Yet a lot of ghouls in Fallout 4 have smoother skin than the smooth-skins, for crying out loud.
Whenever I unwittingly stumbled into a pack of feral ghouls, heard that horrible death growl, and realized I had a scant amount of hollow points usually ended with me running away to the tune of Yakety Sax.

Yeah, a lot of the enemies in Fallout 4 are too polished looking; granted the mirelurks are among the better enemy designs. Yet a lot of ghouls in Fallout 4 have smoother skin than the smooth-skins, for crying out loud.
Nah the scare was superficial. They were ridiculously easy to kill though there are exceptions... Vault 34.
Nah the scare was superficial. They were ridiculously easy to kill though there are exceptions... Vault 34.

Vault 34's it. The first time I played NV [Hadn't bothered with 3 yet] I did not know that the Pip-Boy had a light on it, and did the whole thing in the dark. That was frightening to say the least.

Edit: Fixed a goofed spelling.
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