gifted trait


Vault Senior Citizen
wondering what ppl think of changing pnenalties from -5 skil points a level to an additional 10 skill ranks from all skills,thus

Benefit = 1 to all primary stats
Penalty = - 20 all skills

please post ur thoughts

I think that -5 is really balanced, I would personally hate to see it changed in some mod or anything. Also I believe that Skilled is a very punishing trait to pick, out of all of them in general, Small Frame and Gifted are the best imo, Good Natured and Fast Shot are my secondary picks, everything else always seems useless to me so I never use them. But that's only my opinion.
thnx dionis,main reason for asking is I made a gifted perk,wanted to make trait and perk teh same guess ill add some different penmalties as separate options