Girlfriend 'hit with alligator'

Some clown in Sacramento was dragged into court,
He shot his landmower, it disobeyed, it wouldn't start.
Might makes right, it's the American way®.
They fined him $60 and sent him on his way.

You know some people don't take no shit,
Maybe if they did they'd have half a brain left.

Dead Kennedys- "A child and his landmower"
This guy was a bloody amateur. A pro would have used something more efficient, like a pitbull :twisted: just throw it at your soon to be ex and all your problems like alimony just go away :roll:
Hmm... 3 fot alligators are normally... heavy. And that's really unfair to 1. keep an alligator 2. throw animals like that 3. hit women. grr stupid people in america.
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
This guy was a bloody amateur. A pro would have used something more efficient, like a pitbull :twisted: just throw it at your soon to be ex and all your problems like alimony just go away :roll:
I think you'd have difficulty picking up and throwing a pitbull. Having said that, I'd have thought you'd have trouble picking up and throwing an alligator.
Not my ideal choice of weapon.
Eh, what next? spouses engage in combat. Weapons of choice: a nurse shark and a python. :twisted: That would be kind of nice to watch :roll:
Were are the good old days when the husband just used to get his scatter gun and plug some holes in the wife? Now that is some wholesome family fun :twisted:
I wish I had an Alligator to throw on people..

Well, there's always the cat :twisted:
Where's the fun in that?.. People throw girls at eachother all the time.