Girlfriend/Wife/"partner" - 3 things that


Mildly Dipped
Girlfriend/Wife/"partner" - 3 things that

So what does your girlfriend, wife or partner do to annoy you? Nobody is perfect, but what are the all time highlights to piss people off.

Here goes, my girlfriend:

1. She leaves everything open or on the table. When she makes breakfest she leaves the bread on the table and leaves the cupboards open.

2. When she forgets something... It automatically means I forgot she told me something, or that she never said ANYTHING like that. She never forgets anything...(then I asked where her keys are...yup...she always knows where her stuff is...har har).

3. She loves to babble of her dreams. For gods sake can I ONCE wake up without the need to hear her novell about her seven different dreams. Specially when she talks about them in the same way as if I would have seen them.

So what?s up with your relationships?
Heh. I know I wouldn't want to talk to anyone about my dreams. Not anyone who could put me in an asylum anyway.

Uhm. Partners? Do computers count? Naw? Well, fuck it.
(1) Can't be on time for anything. It's so bad that I don't even bother making any plans to do anything, it's always "Come over and then we'll decide what to do".

(2) Instinctively plays Devil's Advocate in any argument. I could be stating the exact same opinion she holds, but she'll argue against it anyway and we will go back and forth until she ends up saying the same thing I said to begin with. It's just funny half of the time so I'll play along, but the other half of the time it's unbelievably frustrating. When I point out that I'm saying the same thing she is, she'll say "yes, but....." and add some meaningless qualifier. Grrrrrr......

(3) Occasional catholic guilt about sex. I don't understand it, and there's nothing like having to soothingly assuage someone's irrational fears to put you out of the mood.

(4) Doesn't like video games. It's not that big a deal, I just wish she did.
(1) She smokes filter cigarettes and I fucking hate the smell of filter cigarettes. I also hate the enormous amounts of smoke they generate. I wish I could get her to roll her own cigarettes or to stop smoking altogether. When she lights another Marlboro, it makes me want to piss all over her and her fucking cigarette.

(2) When she gets home from work, she always starts talking about her day at the office, which does not interest me at all. When she asks me how my day was, I say something along the lines of 'Okay' or 'Fine' or 'Bad' and so on. When I am being polite and ask her how her day was, I'm in for a monologue that can last up to an hour. It bores me to death and makes me want to choke her with a small, soft pillow.

(3) She says 'I love you' way too often. And when she does, she expects me to say 'I love you too' or the shit hits the fan. Everytime she says 'I love you' I feel like buttfucking her whilst singing 'Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Can you feeeeeeeeeeeeel it?'

I do love my little biatch, though. :look:
1. She doesn't like to spend money. This wouldn't be a problem, but she doesn't like me spending my money on myself. Mind you, we aren't married and both live with our parents. My money that I earn is MY MONEY.

2. She doesn't have realistic views on life or money. She doesn't understand the value of $1 and how it relates to other money. IE she thinks saving her pennies will buy her a house, and she also doesn't realize that you can't buy a house without saving from a job.

3. I'm 20. I don't want to get married for quite a while. So why does she say the M word in almost every conversation? If she's waiting for me, she is going to wait a long time

4. She doesn't always have time for talking to me or whatnot, but if she ever has a problem, she expects me to drop everything and help her.

There are other things. But I don't remember in short and don't want to take over the whole thread.
alec said:
(2) When she gets home from work, she always starts talking about her day at the office, which does not interest me at all. When she asks me how my day was, I say something along the lines of 'Okay' or 'Fine' or 'Bad' and so on. When I am being polite and ask her how her day was, I'm in for a monologue that can last up to an hour. It bores me to death and makes me want to choke her with a small, soft pillow.

I should have added this one. We both work at the same place now, so it's even more boring and annoying.
Oh yeah, I've also got that "How was MY day?" syndrome, and that drop everything and listen to me because I have a mental breakdown (if I have one...nothing happens).
Enjoys playing Ghost Recon just to show me the parts where they kill the South Ossetian freedom fighters.

Damn it.
she's go's into phases (more than normal women) where she has low self esteem and i have to build her up all the time.

I feel like I have to entertain her all the time. She cant come over and just watch TV and talk, we always have to go out and do something which costs money.

She doesn't party like i do. I like to go out and get hammered, then come home a fuck a few times. She doesn't like to stay out that late, and when she does get drunk it's always a dramatic episode.
1. She doesn't run newer games very well.

2. She sometimes can't read DVD+R that she burned.

3. Whenever she crashes and she's running firefox the cache get's deleted.

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
1. She doesn't run newer games very well.

2. She sometimes can't read DVD+R that she burned.

3. Whenever she crashes and she's running firefox the cache get's deleted.


As long as she still swallows your dick, uhm, your discs, there really isn't a reason to complain, 3D.
And remember to toggle her three tender buttons when she has a blackout. She'll be back on her feet in no time. :wink:
1. She sucks at saying goodbyes. Whenever I leave her place to go home, she makes me feel guilty like I'm leaving her to burn in some godforsaken place or something. Also, when it's in public, she'll hang around my neck whining how much she'll miss me. Then I'm supposed to say 'but I'll miss you more!'; to which she will reply 'but I will miss you infinitely so I WIN'. It was cute the first months or so, now it's just getting embarassing.

2. She can babble on and on about stuff that isn't interesting in the least. Today, she talked about how hard it is to cook her veggie-stuff on a gass stove. For about fifteen minutes. I guess she just hates silences, and will say anything - *anything* - to fill them.

3. She has this obsession about not being the 'inferior' in the relationship - powergames. Too bad for her, because my bitches have to be obedient. Ask Wooz.

4. She acts like she has low self-esteem about her looks. Nothing wrong with that, except that I know she's lying and that gets irritating often.
Wow... glad the only things my ladyfriend does that really piss me off are as follows:

She uses internet chat programs... I *HATE* internet chat programs. They crap up your computer and interrupt at the most inopportune times, and are damn difficult to shut down...

She plays browser games. Not just any browser games, but *Inane* browser games. KOL, spacecrime, and others. It gets worse.

Worst of all , when she uses the internet, she has the windows restored, not maximized. I don't know how she does this 'cause she's got ADD (real ADD, not pop-psych diagnosed ADD), but she does. I can't browse that way without breaking my concentration!!!

That's pretty much all I'd change. Just little stupid shit, really. I have to sometimes build up her confidence in her looks/intelligence/whatever, but anyone who's *too* sure of themselves in such an area is generally not someone you'd want to have cocktails with, nevermind share your life/bed with...
Heh. This thread makes me glad I'm not into girls.

In all seriousness, it sounds like a lot of you are letting these annoyances pile up and you don't want to talk to your GFs about it. That's a mistake. If bitch keeps droning on and on about her day, kindly suggest a change of topic. If she leaves chat programs open, kindly tell her to shut them down when she's done with them. If her "shmoopy shmoopy" talk bugs you, kindly tell her so. Treat her like a person, not a fragile butterfly with a heart of glass.
Subhuman said:
Heh. This thread makes me glad I'm not into girls.
Oops! Sounds like someone is crawling out of the closet. I suggest joining the Order. You'll sure meet lots of 'interesting' people over there. :wiggle:

Subhuman said:
Treat her like a person, not a fragile butterfly with a heart of glass.
Gay duder: every sane heterosexual knows that women are to be treated as fragile butterflies with hearts of glass. Except in bed. Then they must be treated as genuine meatholes.

[Drunken post. Kindly ignore all contents. Thank you very much.]
Women are women, not men. Men who like Men, don?t know women. Men who like women, don?t know women. Women who like women, they know they are basket cases.

Do you actually think I haven?t talked about those things? Of course I have. It helped with certain things (that annoyed me even more)

Sometimes saying you don?t like a certain trait is like telling her "You?re fat bitch!". You cannot go there. Not without a bloody good excuse anyway (that it annoys you isn?t good enough).
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
1. She doesn't run newer games very well.

2. She sometimes can't read DVD+R that she burned.

3. Whenever she crashes and she's running firefox the cache get's deleted.


lol, rock on man, rock on