
Author of FOT mod THE SUM
Hi! I modded FOT since a about a year now and found several very nice possibilities in it that are not implemented in the original game. Example, using a TAGNAME with a prefab caracter to move a object (light, fire, cart?) next to it and even make this object follow the caracter anytime. What I am wondering is that :

Is it possible to assign a TAGNAME to a a custom made caracter in the game? Do somebody know how to hack into the game hardcoded algorithms to assign a TAGNAME to this caracter, like "PLAYER" or such? THANKS!

I wish somebody is still listening to threads about Fallout tactics!
There are a few people kicking around here, don't worry :D Luckily, it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't know how to mod, so you should get a decent answer soon-ish from someone who knows their stuff.
Extra(!), and I just learned about the big big Project Safehouse Mod yesterday for 2016. AWESOME. Let's say FOT mods have a very great future ahead and I'll work my best to bring it further if I can!

I think there could be already a TAGNAME assigned to the main char... something the main code use to determine if the condition "MAIN ACTOR ALIVE" or something like this is true... Imagine, we could even use this to make a cart follow the main caracter, like a kind of donkey to put stuff in! (and create non-permitted zones, like a ladder or a tower zone, to stop the cart from following the caracter.)

ALSO, I tried to assign the main actor a TAGNAME directly from the spawning point, assigning a TAGNAME to the spawning point itself. But It only works when we determine if the main char is in a zone (Open Fallout Mod use it to make the main char get to another part of the map). But it soon stop working with other scripts (they gives the fixed location of the spawning point instead of the location of the main char!)

ALSO, I noticed that Open Fallout Mod found a way to make the "CUSTOM" char button on the character selection screen invisible... That sounds interesting to do if there is NO solution to the TAGNAME problem! Somebody know how to to that? How to remove the button?

Thanks guys! Keep on good work!
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This has been a long standing issue for years now. I won't say it can't be done, but I can say confidently I don't know how to do it, and over the many years no one else has ever found a way, either.
So in the meanwhile, anyone that wants to simply disable the "Custom" char button can do so by replacing gui\btn\med\6.zar with "Open Fallout Mod" one, or probably a 1x1 pixel transparent .zar. ATTENTION : It only works with BOS.exe, not with FT Improver.exe which use other .zar to create some buttons. Changing 4.zar with FT Improver.exe will work to disable the "Custom" char button, but will also disable the "Modify" button!!

I think FT Improver users can't rely on BOS.exe to execute the game, because all custom armors sprites will not work, and probably a lot of other functions as well. Or maybe I have a wrong version of BOS.exe? Or did something wrong installing everything?

If somebody with deep deep knowledge of FOT code breaking is around to solve the TAGNAME problem, I'll design him or her a personnalised special thanks item or monument in my mod, I promise!
All the Squaddie Tagname ideas were discussed many years ago. Yes, It can be done, you can assign all your prefabs and recruits individual tagnames... BUT each time you are spawned on a mission map, all those individual tagnames are stripped and replaced by whatever you have tag-named your Spawn point. If your haven't tag-named your spawn point then all the squaddies will have no tag name as well.

However... each time you take a squad member out from the recruit pool, the tagname is returned and is functional for (at least) speech purposes, I'm not sure if the death identifiers, etc function properly - I've never really tested it. The tag name will be lost upon spawning in a random/special encounter or mission map but the tagname will be returned each time you take the squaddie from the Recruit master.

It can be used to add a bit of character to your squad by triggering individual speech to certain squad member while your in the bunker. I'm sure there are a few other uses as well. At best it was a broken and unsatisfying feature...

At one time Jarekfall was actively looking to hack the tagname problem and make a fix for a future release of FT improver, but......
... And I guess a problem happens when more than one caracter has the same tagname... Anyways, i'll try to set up every prefab to the same TAGNAME and every spawnpoint to THE SAME tagname again and see if that creates some kind of stability for the effects ingame... I'll get back to you on this!
Alright... I give up on this. Made some tests and as you said xkcon even if the TAGNAME is correctly given and works at the beginning of the game, it will be wiped out as soon as the char appear on a waypoint... And if I apply the same TAGNAME on the waypoint, it works even less because the caracter don't "wear" the tagname alone anymore, the waypoint does too and the triggers won't apply to the char from the beginning then. I'll try to get other ways to create items such as "flashlight", like changing the whole general lighting when using it instead of making a light or any item to follow the caracter.
I see you changed alot of FOT,just asking how did you edited the images when you load something,because i want to edit some in my mod.

I check bitmaps and core folder but i don't see anything related to the images who appear while you loading
Alright, simply go to core/gui/wait and change the .jpg there or duplicate them with the same folders in your mod folder. You can also edit the .jpg images in core/gui/back. If everything is not in 800x600, it will be cropped... :( I have trouble doing it with photoshop (bug when loading), so I use PAINT at the very end to load and save the image once and the bug is solved!
Eh! Read carefully, there is nothing in core/gui :look:, everything is in core/gui/wait and core/gui/back!! :wiggle:
There is HEX fix, but it requires you to edit Bos.exe

If you are fine with it, then there you go, do it in Notepad++ or other HEX-editor:
1) Find F6857
2) Change value 12 to 56

That should lock tagnames from engine "erasing" them.
It was a research in collaboration with HEX and Hmt - members of
I believe i've already posted some findings in this forum, including "sniper" fix, potential burst bug fix, random colors fix and such.