Giving Cassidy a voice.

Hey, glad to see you're still around. However, I'm not showing any new private messages from you. Or, are you referring to the first one you sent me? That didn't include anything about rendering. It basically just said that you could help me out and would write me a more detailed message later.
This sounds pretty good Dravean. It does need a bit of preprocessing and a few tweaks. Good job.
Holy sheep, Cassidy sounds like friggin' Clint Eastwood... Now that I think of it, he even looks a little like him... Bad ass!
Things have been done on my end for awhile now. I assume they'll go into the next release of the RP, if killap decides to use them.
I edited all of the files now, I only need to convert them back to the proper .acm format again. My soundcard keeps a bit bitching on that, so I need to convert it on another computer. Will send it to you Dravean and Kilap then. ;)
so will Cassidy have a voice in the next RP patch? just wondering, because he's one of my favorite companions :D

Oh! And btw, is it possible to give Vic a nice face like Cassidy? because i would love to see a Jabba The Hutt looking guy :P

J/K but any *fatty* face would work for good ol' Vic.
Jotisz already made a talking head for Vic. Not sure if it'll be included in the new RP though. I sure hope so as it looks pretty good.
that's nice, i'm looking foward to see it.

btw, is there any mod that can make us have infinite party? a mod that works with RP. If there is any please let me know ASAP.
What has happened to this? I was looking forward to hearing Cassidy... If not in RP, maybe a separate release? :(
Yeah, good question. If these were all done, I'd totally add them as an option in the RP installer.
I finished recording the lines a long time ago. I was under the impression that they wouldn't be implemented until Cassidy's talking head was given animated mouth movements.

But if that hasn't been done yet and people want him to have a voice without the animation, then that's fine by me.

I have all my Cassidy recordings in one big wave file on my computer (whatever recording program I was using at the time wouldn't let me render files that were under 30 seconds, so I ended up rendering it as one big file). So it would need to be chopped up and then converted into whatever kind of audio the game utilizes.
Dravean said:
I was under the impression that they wouldn't be implemented until Cassidy's talking head was given animated mouth movements.
Ugh, lip syncing for Fallout... Yeah, I recall this discussion now. This is a very tedious process.

EDIT: Well, anyone willing to help in this area? Chopping up the file, creating acm files from the previous mentioned item, aiding with lip syncing?

Oh damn you all for picking at my completionist mentality. :P :wink:
killap said:
Well, anyone willing to help in this area? Chopping up the file, creating acm files from the previous mentioned item, aiding with lip syncing?

Hey Killap, thanks for your hard work on the RP along those years.
I did the chopping and converting of Cassidy's voice for Mutants Rising so I can do it as well for the RP.
Now, for MR we applied a filter on Dravean's files to, basically, lower the tone of the voice. I'm not sure Dravean is cool with that (sorry man, we should have asked you first), but we all think it gave a good result.

For the RP, I can leave the files unmodified or apply the same filter as for MR (for, you know, consistency). Your call and Dravean call, of course.

As for the lip files, I'm also in charge of those at MR and, like you said, it's a very tedious work. I've got dozens of files left to do, so I will have to decline my participation in doing the lip files for the RP (I just don't have enough free time, sorry) but I'm willing to help anyone who wants to get those files done (it's a quite easy process but it's time consuming, like every other modding tasks on Fallout2, I guess ).
We would also chip in a phoneme chart for Cassidy, so you know which animation frame goes with which letters/sounds :D
As the voice files are complete, I would vote to include them even if the lip synch cannot be achieved any time soon. Cassidy is the most worth while of the companions and he deserves a voice. Judging by Dravean's sample from a while back he did a fine job and it would be a shame for this to go to waste.
If it's only tedious/time-consuming, and not difficult, I will help with lip-synching. Just start me up with some instructions.
Aguirre said:
Now, for MR we applied a filter on Dravean's files to, basically, lower the tone of the voice. I'm not sure Dravean is cool with that (sorry man, we should have asked you first), but we all think it gave a good result.

I agree that my voice isn't ideal to portray a grizzled old guy. Although I'm 31, my voice is still a bit youthful and not entirely deep. However, when I first saw the Mutants Rising trailer, I was taken aback by just how heavy handed the filter was. I was worried that it would sound obviously artificial and manipulated. However, upon playing the demo, I now think it works out rather well.

For consistency's sake (and I know that's important to you guys, as that's why you wanted me to do Cassidy's voice in MR in the first place), and simply to make Cassidy sound like the old hard-ass he's supposed to be, I think you should apply the filter. However, I think it should be dialed back a tad, since the FO2 Cassidy is a bit younger and in (relatively) better health.

Give me an email address, and I'll send along the file.