Giving Randall Clark (The Survivalist) a voice

Surf Solar

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
This is not really "modding", but how good would it be to have those journal entries you find in Honest Hearts voiced on the terminals?

I have started to make it happen here:

Note again, the background ambient music is not audible in the final audiofile, just added it for some background music. ;)
It sounds like shit on ocassion, like you would expect a soundfile from an old 200 year old computer. What do you think? (the backgroundmusic ofcourse needs to be abstracted)? Is there some modder willing to help me to attach single voice overs to the respective holodisk/memory files in the pipboy? So that one can listen to the stories of the survivor in the pippboy, instead "just" reading it? IMO! This adds a lot of atmosphere to it....

What do "non-modder" people think off? Rather let it read only? Shall I continue with the voicing of the survivalist? Shall I die a horrible death for daring to voice him, etc?

EDIT: FFFFUUU.... wrong subforum. ;D
The voice file is totally unlistenable, didn't understand a thing (maybe the streaming is at fault here for me).

I don't think there is really a point of this - first of all, guy wrote all of his log in a computer, he didn't had any recording set anywhere.
Second - only thing that would make sense would be his final log.
And third - what's wrong with reading?
RoseKilla said:
The voice file is totally unlistenable, didn't understand a thing (maybe the streaming is at fault here for me).

That's the point, it's just background noise, helping you to (omg I use this word) "immerse" yourself more into this stuff.

I don't think there is really a point of this - first of all, guy wrote all of his log in a computer, he didn't had any recording set anywhere.

Let's not start this , we can also argue why so many terminals in the wastes are still functioning.

Second - only thing that would make sense would be his final log.


And third - what's wrong with reading?

Nothing is wrong with reading, you'd still have to do it.