Lord 342 said:
Anywho I don't see how the guy from MIT is automatically wrong because he disagrees with you, Rosh. Oh, I forget. Anyone who disagrees with you is automatically wrong.
No, someone who obviously was out to lunch in their own field is wrong, in particular when I could hardly trust one person vs years of meteorological study, in particular the formation of...
You know, it's fairly obvious you didn't read anything I posted, instead you just shined someone's ass. Just the same, Warren Spector was regarded as a top man of his field, same with John Romero (okay, that's stretching it), and even D.W. Bradley, but lately all have been sucking ass because they now neglect to pay attention to the details and believe their own hype instead of doing work. As apparently did this guy in his desire to be pulished. In no way did he explore the inter-relationships of these chemicals and the atmospheres, but instead just wrote the equivalent of a pie chart and tries to paint much of it out of the picture, only taking each element by itself.
Back to your point earlier.
And if only we could do anything about global warming. There is an article in the new Car & Driver about how human output is only about 3% of the greenhouse agents in the atmosphere. The most effective greenhouse agent is -get this- Water Vapor. It cannot be eliminated and is responsible for 70% or so of the Greenhouse effect.
So how do you think this water vapor is both formed, and maintained, in abnormal levels and effects (aka dirty seeding, abnormal cirrus clouds), which are increased upon major jet flight paths? Or how do you explain a growth in suspended vapor in the atmosphere, when the clouds should have condensated but didn't because of a chemical inhibition? That means the gases in the air seed the water vapor into being trapped, and guess what else? We have some giant fucking oceans. Now add progressive dirty seeding, and use your imagination. It also helps explain, through the amounts that are brought down to the ground through some normal precipitation, the heavy levels of dioxins
All the greenhouse gases together, including C02, and methane, produce less than two percent of the greenhous effect, according to Richard S. Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Which is rather bullshit when you take into effects of these chemicals having an effect in conjunction with the stages of precipitation. Just like silver iodide is used to seed clouds, other chemicals have other affects upon the rain cycle. Many of the trace elements found in jet fuel exhaust form cirrus clouds, which you might have known if you had bothered to read that article...and cirrus clouds are...GUES WHAT? WATER VAPOR! And I didn't even have to go to MIT to figure that shit out. Common fucking sense.
Let's check your math about the "5,000 years", for example.
Given NASA's calculations, the US average temp has increased 0.5 degrees for each decade from 75-94. Now let's apply that to 5,000 years. Wow, it must have been regularly below -150 degrees F (about -250 from today's temps!) 5,000 years ago. Wait, no it wasn't. Hence, there's an increase in warming as of recent, which coincides with mankind's industrial impact, which is even more obvious when contrails and cirrus clouds are clearly linked together, and these are NOT normal cirrus clouds due to the dirty seeding.
Both air traffic and cirrus coverage increased during the period of warming despite no changes in the NCEP humidity at jet cruise altitudes over the United States. By contrast, humidity at flight altitudes decreased over other land areas, such as Asia, and was accompanied by less cirrus coverage, except over Western Europe, where air traffic is very heavy.
Cirrus coverage also rose in the North Pacific and North Atlantic flight corridors. The trends in cirrus cover and warming over the United States were greatest during winter and spring, the same seasons when contrails are most frequent. These results, along with findings from earlier studies, led to the conclusion that contrails caused the increase in cirrus clouds.
So until you have a valid counter-point, or care to read what I link, I'm not going to bother replying to any more of your straw man attempts. Especially this wad of shit.
The glaciers retreated millenia before we were doing much more than farting and lighting fires.
Yeah, I'd like to note that the glaciers that were in Alaska, for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years remained a prominent feature....ARE NOW ALMOST TOTALLY GONE. They were there when you were born, and now they will no longer exist in 30 years, some are already almost gone having thinned by hundreds of feet within the last ten years. Versus being in mankind's recorded history for more than 200 years (even more if you want to go by the natives' own historical records of the length and thickness of the glaciers), and which were quite healthy when I lived up there no more than 15 years ago. The same with the polar ice caps suddenly shrinking. That is a quick development, NOT something that has been steadily going on for a while. It is also what is causing a sudden change of life by those who live off of the land, who don't hunt from the supermarket.
There is no significant natural increase in water vapor or non-anthropogenic CO2 that I am aware of.
Then maybe you should have read the article I posted, including the parts about cloud formation effects. And quoted for your convenience. You're not bothering to think about weather effects, you're simply sucking some MIT cock as an answer based upon their credentials and not upon their evidence. I hope your ignorance doesn't earn you a bitter shot in the mouth in the future because you couldn't be bothered to think for yourself. I honestly had a higher opinion of you than that, and this has been quite frankly disappointing as hell.