Glutton Creeper contract issues


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Nearly a week ago, NMA reported on the impending launch of Glutton Creeper Games d20 pen & paper Fallout game. They have once again have provided an update on the project's status, with a note that it might be delayed due to contract issues:<blockquote>May 3rd, 2007: All of the chapters have been return from the editor and final print layout is underway. We may however, see a delay in printing, which all depends on Bethesda, as Interplay failed to provide them with a copy of our Fallout PnP license and contract.

More news to follow, once Bethesda re-contacts us.</blockquote>The lesson here is never to count on Herve Caen.

Link: GCG's Fallout d20 P&P page.
...How the hell can you fail to provide for an outside license/contract deal? That's Glutton Creeper doesn't deserve that, that's just shitty.
i wonder if Glutton Creeper can sue Interplay for damages due to the incured printing delay. ;)
"have been return"? Wyatt's inability to use proper English never ceases to amaze me.