Glutton Creeper releases more PnP books

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Glutton Creeper, erstwhile of an attempted Fallout PnP but now turned into post-apocalyptic Fallout-clone PnP Exodus, has released a few more books for post-apocalyptic pen and paper players.<blockquote>Exodus Wasteland Bestiary
Format: Softbound (96 pages b/w) The Wasteland Bestiary is a stand-alone OGL product to be used in conjunction with the Exodus d20 Survivor's Guide or Exodus OGL Survivor's Guide. The Bestiary details common animals and other wasteland terrors that survived the Exodus through adaptation, evolution, and mutation. A fully customizable creature build system (similar to the Custom Class) is built into the Bestiary along with a alternative EXPERIENCE combat system.

The Exodus Wasteland Bestiary is fully compatible with any Modern or 3.5 books.
Exodus Southwest Wasteland Guide
Format: Softbound (166 pages b/w)
The Southwest Wasteland Guide is a stand-alone OGL product to be used in conjunction with the Exodus d20 Survivor's Guide or Exodus OGL Survivor's Guide. The Southwest Wasteland Guide expands the character build details presented in the Survivor's Guide, offering a new class template, feats, occupations, talents, and traits, as well as organizational-based Advanced Classes and new equipment. Additionally the organizations and settlements of the southwest United States briefly detailed in the Survivor's Guide are expanded greatly detailing the goals and leadership of each one.

The Exodus Southwest Wasteland Guide is fully compatible with any Modern or 3.5 books.</blockquote>