
Woohoo! When I logged into my Blogger account today to update my weblog, I got the offer to get a free G-Mail account because I was an active user. (I don't know whether everyone gets it or not, and I don't know if it will work for new people either, but if you want G-Mail, getting a blogger account might be worth a try). So now I have a G-Mail account. Okay, here's what I can notice so far:

-The ads are just like the ads on the side of google you see sometimes. They're purely text with a link, and they are absolutely not problematic.

-It seems I really do have one gig of mail space. Yay.

-The G-Mail interface is clean, looks good, and feels quite nice. It's a hell of a lot better than fuck-all hotmail interface, and a lot faster too.

So far, I quite like it, and I'm probably going to stick with it.

EDIT: Sadly, there is a 10MB message send and receive limit, and executables can't be sent or received. AH well.
I don't think so. They claim that they do not have automatic forwarding nor POP3 access, but that they believe in allowing people to access information from everywhere, and will provide this option in the future, either for free or for a nominal fee. Woohoo,
yeah, I got it too- pretty cool, but I haven't found a way to separate conversations.. also, the names don't change on the conversations when you update the contact list. I guess it's still beta. 1 gig, and free- can't complain. And the text ads are all computer generated- no privacy issues there, but some wild misses in terms of ad targetting