
OoooooH! Shiny! Rat like, Rat want! :roll: Master, please Rat give shiny new gmail! :P
And you thought we would stoop so low as to GROVEL at your feet for a G mail account! Well I don't now about them but I love it! NOT!
Hope it's you mega mailbox o' pron you hoped for!
Heh, the reason I wanted a Gmail account was so I wouldn't have to tell people some long name that was hard to remember. If you wanted a long name you should have just made a hotmail account. :lol:

Gmail is very nice, though. I'm more than happy with it.
Man, first one friend gets gmail a week ago and then today I hear of two more. Must be good, but I dont get much mail so I still use Outlook Express...

Yes...I know...

The Vault Dweller
Tayl wrote:
Heh, the reason I wanted a Gmail account was so I wouldn't have to tell people some long name that was hard to remember.
That may be one of the reasons to get G mail, but the main one is HUGE STORAGE SPACE FOR PRON! (Runs off to the bathroom) :D

Wilsonian Liberal+Gay Porn don't mix like oil and water. We're the big tent party now. Look at Cheyney.

Homophobe is one word. Not that I should be critscizing grammar. And they make fun of the gheys as much as anybody.
Gmail - t3h r0x0r! I've been using it for some months now (thanks to Lionheart, the dude who just ordered you all to send him a private message).

If you want Gmail and are an NMA admin or mod, feel free to PM me, I have some invites.

Just kidding about that admin/mod thing...
yeah, Gmail rocks.

Ive got some invites currently, but I'm gona give them to close freidns first, then see how many I have left.

If I have any left, I'll post here.
It's certainly good for filling with stacks of crap. I don't know why I bothered getting one, other than to say I had one. Plus I like saying "G-mail". It's got a nice ring to it. :D
Hotmail = 2mb email space(richest company in the world cant give us more email space. Tis a shame)
Yahoo mail = 100mb email space(pretty good)
Gmail = 1000mb email space (teh shiznit! Get one now!)
Who really needs that much e-mail space anyway?

I have tenMB through ISP, and I'm at 1.5% capacity, and haven't deleted anything yet.