Going to buy Fallout 2 - Anything I should know?

-Play fallout 1 first
-play fallout 2 without the restoration pack for your first playthrough

there are some engine tweaks/bugfix patches/hi res mods for both games in the downloads section of this website, I recommend checking them out
dude....i really envy you.playing fallout 2 for the first time...fallout 2 is my favorite game of all time you wont regret it if you buy it no matter the price.but play fallout 1 as well.its pretty awesome
fallout 2 is my personal favorite game in the series (hell, my favorite game of all time). two hints to make the game go infinitely better for you:

1.)don't go nuts on strength, set it to 6 and move on.

2.)the temple will suck ass. beat it and get ready to play the best game eva eva eva.
1) play Fallout 1 first

2) download the latest patches

3) Play the best game ever, try not to look the walkthroughs
I'll echo some of the great comments already stated, and since you've already proven that your rating or enjoyment of a game is not limited to how bright and shiny and new and sparkly it may be (or you wouldn't even have made this thread), I'd say you're definitely in for a real treat.

I've tried to introduce countless friends to FO1 / FO2, and also attempted to explain to them that while I can enjoy FO3, I have a very hard time really calling it a "Fallout game". There's just something about those originals that's really damn hard to replicate, let alone duplicate. I've been a gamer since about 1980 (though many people would balk these days at calling what we had back then "games"), and to date, the only title I've played (and replayed) more than Fallout would be Fallout 2.

I've got lots of time logged into plenty of other great games over the years, but seriously, these two shine out way above and beyond any of the others... for me, at least.

Now then.. (Sorry for the little detour down happy-memory lane there)

I'd definitely agree that you're really missing out if you don't play FO1 first.. I mean, technically no, you don't NEED to play it to play and love FO2, and in fact, once you do fire up FO2, you're going to meet some additions and features that will feel quite welcome. For one non-spoiler example, they really beefed up the unarmed combat system in FO2. FO1 had it, but it's very very vanilla by comparison (and hand-to-hand really really isn't a recommended primary path for a first time player of FO1 by most who've tried it).

Now before you play.. I'd suggest patching FO1 up to at least the latest official patch, though I really can't think of a reason you wouldn't want to go ahead and toss in the 1.3.4 TeamX patch as well. Its focus is bug-fixes, not additions or all-out changes, so it won't alter the spirit of things other than to repair a few annoyances the official patch didn't take care of.

I'd also definitely advise using Timeslip's engine tweaks (found in the mods section of the file areas here). It's made playing the game on more modern machines a whole lot less painful for a lot of people, and even if nothing else in there proves useful to you, the ability to scroll inventory windows with the mouse-wheel is just awesome. (You can scroll the inventory of someone you're trading with or containers by holding CTRL and using the wheel too).

If you don't see any children when you get to the first town, I'd suggest you stop, drop & roll... oh wait.. that's for being on fire. But seriously, stop, install the children patch, and start a fresh game.

I forget exactly which versions do or don't have kids in them anymore (mostly UK I think), and frankly, it's just stupid to remove them.. especially when they're still technically "there", you just can't see them.

That's really about it for FO1.. There's a few mods that can really improve (IMO) the game -notably the NPC mod, but.. I really hesitate suggesting you use these the first time or two through the game. It will lessen your appreciation (a bit) for the improvements of FO2, and more importantly, make the game easier and sometimes require less thinking, which I think cheapens the initial experience.

Once you decide to move on to FO2, the same advice essentially applies.. You want at least the latest official patch (see below), children patch, and Timeslip's tweaks (see below).

One mantra to remember where FO2 is concerned however, and that is "Killap is awesome. All hail Killap the bug-fixing bear-dude!"

Or, said in more plain terms, I highly suggest just installing Killap's latest (final) unofficial patch. It does nothing but fix bugs, bugs and more bugs (like 800+ the official patch never got), but automatically includes the official patch changes, and Timeslip's engine tweaks to boot.

Once you've played through the both of them a time or three (or dozens, if you end up as hooked as I did), then it's time to check out some other mods.. like the Restoration Project you may have already noted (also by Killap) and various balance / tweaking mods or.. anything else which catches your fancy really.

Also, Per's guides are amazing, and a real treat since he did them up as web pages instead of the typical plain ASCII FAQ / Walkthrough you'll get for just about anything these days, but once again, I really would try hard to stay away from them if you can resist at least for one or two times through. Then you can go see all the stuff you're almost certain to have missed if you'd like.

Whatever you decide, happy gaming. I can barely imagine the possibility that anyone today could be as taken in and blown away by these games as I was when they were new (I must have played the original FO1 demo a thousand times just dying for the full game to be released), but hey.. it could happen. ;)

Best of luck,
I played Fallout few years ago for the first time, in the 2000s, and i was instantly sold. It was and actually still is one of the best RPG games made to date, regardless of its age.
I actually liked the visuals. First time i finished the game, the experince was amazing. It was something entirely different.

So yes, Fallout can and will impress gamers, even after several years. I played the game so many times that i cant even remember exactly how many times. I still play it every now and then.

And now i have to play it AGAIN. Thanks a lot. :D

To the topic starter:
I really suggest that you follow the instructions given by the others.
Fallout first, Fallout 2 after that.
And remember to patch.
Have fun
I've played both of them to death and I've really only started playing the series for about 3 years. Truely awesome shiz, I don't know about playing FO1 first since that didn't stop me from enjoying the second, but if you want some insight on the lore and all that play FO1 first. My favorite is FO2 considering all the things you can do in it, and yeah I liked the graphics.

Oh and have fun. ;)