Going to start Fallout 2, any tips?


First time out of the vault
I just beat Fallout 1 after buying the "Classic Collection", I had a lot of fun playing it too. I had help from watching a Let's Play video of it for the beginning parts just to help find my way in this new game I have never played before. I plan to do a fully blind run of Fallout 2 very soon, and I want some quick tips. Like what stats are more valuable in 2 compared to 1, what are more important tags and traits, and just general advice you can give me for Fallout 2. Thanks for your time.
I'd tag outdoorsman. There's way more encounters in 2.
The beginning tutorial is a lot easier with unarmed or melee tagged or if you have a certain amount of AP (think seven or eight) you can exploit a thing where the critters will chase you but won't have enough AP after chasing to attack you, while you still have enough AP to attack. It pays off in the beginning if you don't want to tag unarmed/meele.
If you have the right build and took certain routes early, then un-armed and melee can be really fuggin awesome. If you choose un-armed, make sure you get the NPC bonuses to HtH from Klamath (?), New Reno and San Fran. I forget the order but I think you would do the San Fran challenege first. This is because either guy trains you to about either 82 or 92 percent. Then you can start tacking on all the other bonuses either from implants or boxing, whatever.

Honestly though, with Killap and others tinkering, every fighting style has a chance. Every weapon has an insta-kill chance to the eyes but its all balanced. You have the Pulse weapons for energy, Gauss for small guns and Power fist to the eyes or groin. Dunno about melee but I am assuming the super cattle prod.
It seems like people here try to spoil you game and give some bad advice too.

I don't know what type of character you want to play so I tell you about my way :)
First you absolutely don't have to tag more than one weapon skill especialy not the outdoorsman... special encounters yield tones of xp we like xp.
Game got bit more balanced weapon wise and there is something great in each category tagging big guns or energy weapons make early game challenging and imho more fun. (I tag only energy weapons coz i like them -_-') If you decide to tag small guns and you pump this 30-40 of first skillpoints into it you can be eye/head hitting killing machine at level 3-4 :)

Don't you ever tag skills that are learned from book... tag speech for shure + weapon + (weapon2 or lockpick which is useful like hell)

Few guidelines about stat
str of 5 is enough
cha 4-5 and int 6+ are minimum becouse you will be missing some quests also charisma / 2 = amount of npc in your team
10 agility is mandatory
en of 2 is often more than enough en of 3 will give you 30% more hp :)
perception as high as you can :P (min. 7)

traits ofc gifted and wth you want (I suggest finesse)

There no crazy time limit like in fallout1 you can take your time some quests might be too hard when you encounter them first time
you can skip them than return.

If you do like I did (taging energy weapons only) when some npc marks you "new reno" on the map and you are level at least 5-6 you should go there if you are impatient for some laser action :)

It's hard with cash at start but hunting rifle and leather armor are worth every penny also solving quests thus increasing your reputation in current city greatly reduces prices.

That should be about it without spoiling too much.
Cypeq said:
It seems like people here try to spoil you game and give some bad advice too.

I don't know what type of character you want to play so I tell you about my way :)
First you absolutely don't have to tag more than one weapon skill especialy not the outdoorsman... special encounters yield tones of xp we like xp.
Game got bit more balanced weapon wise and there is something great in each category tagging big guns or energy weapons make early game challenging and imho more fun. (I tag only energy weapons coz i like them -_-') If you decide to tag small guns and you pump this 30-40 of first skillpoints into it you can be eye/head hitting killing machine at level 3-4 :)

Don't you ever tag skills that are learned from book... tag speech for shure + weapon + (weapon2 or lockpick which is useful like hell)

Few guidelines about stat
str of 5 is enough
cha 4-5 and int 6+ are minimum becouse you will be missing some quests also charisma / 2 = amount of npc in your team
10 agility is mandatory
en of 2 is often more than enough en of 3 will give you 30% more hp :)
perception as high as you can :P (min. 7)

traits ofc gifted and wth you want (I suggest finesse)

There no crazy time limit like in fallout1 you can take your time some quests might be too hard when you encounter them first time
you can skip them than return.

If you do like I did (taging energy weapons only) when some npc marks you "new reno" on the map and you are level at least 5-6 you should go there if you are impatient for some laser action :)

It's hard with cash at start but hunting rifle and leather armor are worth every penny also solving quests thus increasing your reputation in current city greatly reduces prices.

That should be about it without spoiling too much.

Thank you that was by far the most helpful. I shall take all of that advice in and start tonight(going for an all nighter).
WelcomeToNewReno said:
We're not giving bad advice. We're just giving advice that worked good for us.

Well the game isn't terribly hard you can tag anything won't have much problem if you know what you are doing if you don't there are always 3 very good pre-made characters on which you can learn.

With 10 agility and high perception putting single point in outdoorsman is a waste of time.
Assume you get into hard encounter.
From perception you get high sequence it will most of the time give you 2 rounds to start with and will position you at long shooting range from enemies.
Agility giving you 10 action points will allow escape usually in 4 rounds and yeah most of enemies have less action points so you get further from them each turn neglecting their ability to hit you even more.
Next this enemies match area you are in and you should be able to deal with them. For fighting you get xp, ammo, weapons, additional xp and did i mentioned XP ? nothing is more fun then putting down pack of deathclaws giving you exp in thousands often more then quests you spend hour to solve.
Only reason to tag or put points in this skill is earliest begining of the game where u will have to run from all encounters but it is so easy to do.

Further more in first 2 towns there are like 4 outdoorsman books rising to about 40sth allowing to skip some encounters.
I hope this clarify uselessness of outdoorsman...

There are more fun secondary skills to put points into like steal or sneak :P

There is similar story with small guns I end up not giving single point to it while playing solo... I have it currently at 59% and with scoped hunting rifle it was still useful for hitting groins of enemies in galaxy far far away but thats thx to 9 perception too.

I didn't put a point into unarmed (65%) and still got prizefighter at first try ~_~ ehh...

This game doesn't make your life hard :P
this is my first post here
i too decided to start fallout 2 and wanted to know are there any unofficial patches and mods that you recommend. remember its my first go at fallout 2 so i dont want any major changes
Killaps resotration mod is a must as it adds a great many things into the game such as additional endings, bonus content, etc.

And BTW, I don't think it was bad advice I gave. The op asked for advice and he got it. Otherwise, he could have started the game the way HE wanted to play. After a playthrough, he/she will get the hang of things
DarkCorp said:
Killaps resotration mod is a must as it adds a great many things into the game such as additional endings, bonus content, etc.

And BTW, I don't think it was bad advice I gave. The op asked for advice and he got it. Otherwise, he could have started the game the way HE wanted to play. After a playthrough, he/she will get the hang of things

You didn't give me bad advice. I am still playing the way I want to, I just wanted some help in figuring what beginning character options work better in 2 versus 1.
First thing I do whenever I start a new game of Fallout 2 is I run to the Den, kill Tubby and loot his body. Decent gear for the start of the game plus no one in the Den really cares if you kill him.
If you like girl character name your character Buffy and go to then and talk to Rebecca and she will give you some very good gear.
You should the game the way you like and the way you fell,we just give you advice that helped us the most when we played :P
Cypeq said:
This game doesn't make your life hard :P

But how many times have you played? :P

My first F1 play gave me some headaches because I builded my character unbalanced, so I ended with 9 AP to spent and had to correct later with a perk (in level 9).
Until that I had troubles with some battles.

Then I learned some things really usefull for applying in F2.
That's one of the things I criticize in F2 BTW, the way you build your character have no difference whatsoever from the first game, wich make veteran campaigns a walk in the park.
Tag small guns, speech and lockpick. Most important trait is gifted and finesse works fine with it. Energy weapons or big ones can be tagged in late game with a perk, allthought gauss rifle can easily put you throught the last fight even if youre alone. Also you can kill New Reno armsdealer and take all of his stuff. So there, spoiled it for you.
One of the reason I loved Fallout 2's Small Guns more than Fallout 1's is because of the Gauss Rifle. First, small guns are the first firearms you encounter, and it's also as powerful as an energy weapon (outside the pulse rifle, which sucks when it comes down to centaurs, aliens, and the kind). Tag that. Get a high agility.

Speech is a must skill for both Fallout 1 and 2. You'll be missing out on a load of dialogue and quests, and also various prizes. With speech, you might just avoid combat, having to pay caps and so on.

Personally I never found out what's so mandatory about lockpicking, but all guides say so. You can choose repair, science or barter.
But the Gauss Rifle is a very good end-game weapon. I kicked the Oil Rig's ass with pure it, because every locker and soldier ended up having some 2mm. So you could simply aim at the eyes, and for one shot get another twenty. So badass killing those robots (all by myself, because I wanted to go undercover rather than head on in - those fucking turrets...), cracking up their CPU.

The .223 pistol was a very good weapon in Fallout 1 (if you get it in the right time), but in Fallout 2, it just seemed pale in comparison because you got it a bit later (and would probably find better weapons by that time), and every asshole in the Wasteland had one (not really rewarding, is it?). Decided to give it to SkyNet instead.