Gone with the Blastwave... what, again?

Ratty Sr.

Ratty, except old
Morr has posted yet another issue of his post-apocalyptic comic Gone with the Blastwave (the one that "doesn't update"). Here's a small sample:

Be sure to check out the whole strip and don't mind the unsettling ending. (Note to Morr: April 1st was three months ago.)
No, not end of story. If you'd read the Front Page you'd have noticed that he says it's a joke and he'll finish the last place later.
He also changed the vote-specific comic. (When you click the vote link thing, it gives you a comic you can't see elsewhere of his.) It's more of the green's not-too-bright antics.
I voted for the comic and confirmed it and it did indeed show me a picture that was an addittional strip.

I've seen other webcomics do the same as an incentive to vote. You vote every day and see a different special comic. As much as I like doing it it seems cheating though doesnt it?

The Vault Dweller
didnt show anything special to me, i must've voted for the wrong option! i want my money back!

oh, wait...
Well, it showed me one as well.
Have you used the correct vote option, ie. not the poll but the 'vote for this comic' button?
The_Vault_Dweller said:
As much as I like doing it it seems cheating though doesnt it?
It would only be cheating if they weren't allowed to use incentives, but, say... the comic creator promised to give everyone who voted for the comic one anyway.

There's a reason why they're officially sanctioned by every webcomic ranking list known to man- it results in more fans voting. You end up with the same vote count proportions on the listing, but larger tallies. It's not like people are suddenly going to visit and vote for a comic they don't like just because there's an incentive.

Really the only "cheating" on webcomic listings is through IP address spoofing, and you end up with the same vote count proportions when that's involved since there are fans who do it for every comic. It's when there's a concerted effort to get the comic higher in the listings through spoofing that it really matters, and the comics who do that are pretty much always caught and punished... Except for Twisted Kaiju Theater, but everybody who isn't a vinyl-freak or furry ignores that comic's presence on the toplists anyway.

OK, I went on a rather large tangent there. Getting back on topic, I've been following GWB since August of last year, and Morr is still the man. You know a comic is good when it's been in existence for less than a year and it's already more popular than ~90% of the webcomics on the internet.

PS: SuAside- Click one if you haven't already.
Kan-Kerai said:
OK, I went on a rather large tangent there. Getting back on topic, I've been following GWB since August of last year, and Morr is still the man. You know a comic is good when it's been in existence for less than a year and it's already more popular than ~90% of the webcomics on the internet.
And when it's that popular after only 18 updates and dispite more than one huge hiatus.
Could you stop posting samples from the comic on the news announcements?

I lucked out and saw the comic before i visited this site. I believe that discovering the reds is suppose to be a surprise, and seeing the sample frame would kind of ruin it.

anyways...I really liked this one. And the one you get for voting was hilarious!