Gone with the Profit

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In a blatant attempt to take all your money, Kimmo has released Gone with the Blastwave, Vol. 1, which contains the first 32 Gone with the Blastwave comics...actually, he's not charging that much, but shipping & handling does make it a bit expensive; 8.99 USD in Yankville and 11.95 EUR in elsewhereland.

There's also a new comic up
I've never had a problem with paypal. They don't have my credit card number, so I don't know what kind of problems could stem from that. But me? Zero probs.
well, i've had 2 friends with frozen accounts for doing nothing wrong and a website i frequent had its account frozen for 6 months (was like 1000$ on there).

i'm not really inclined to give them the benifit of the doubt...
i dont trust paypal as well..i would prefer just doing a transfer..
or not transferring him money at all :D

the first comics were VERY GOOD, but then, after gaining popularity as it seems, they became worse and worse and some pages didnt even contain any jokes... at least none that would make me laugh

let's see how the future will be