I Robot is a series of short stories. The movie cobbled them all together, including many of the themes and characters. They're excellent, but it sounds more like you want a proper novel.
I'd recommend Ben Bova. His writing is very modern. The older sci-fi - which I love! - is dated, and may distract you from the story. Bova includes things like corporate involvement in space exploration, the internet, etc.. He's also a great writer, his stuff is as easy to read as Heinlein or Asimov, and he includes a bit of adventure (always plausible) in his novels.
As an aside, beware the internet meets religion sci-fi that's out there. I've picked up two novels over the past year where this garbage has been combined. It's not executed in at Philip K. Dick paranoic style, but rather seems to be serious about the internet letting us read auras... or something. Utter tripe, all of it, written by people who have not the bases understanding of how computers work.