Good, Neutral, Evil.

Professor Danger! said:
Why would you want to play the same sort of character you are in real life? Might as well go play the stupid Sims. Boooooooring.

This makes no sense, the point of The Sims as it is now is to perpetuate a series of genetically bizarre and physically abominable creatures over a period of time while putting all the game's purchasable assets to improper use. It's a sandbox game.
In Fallout 3 it feels immensely good to be evil, however in New Vegas I can't help but be generally good.

Might have to do with better writing.
Grin said:
In Fallout 3 it feels immensely good to be evil, however in New Vegas I can't help but be generally good.

Might have to do with better writing.

Same here. I started out as an evil raider-themed character, but god i felt like such a huge dick after [spoiler:f9c42c5d79] slaughtering goodsprings for the gangers or sabotaging those rockets.[/spoiler:f9c42c5d79] Went for a neutral character after that.

This is also the reason why i tend to help the NCR - they have tons of excellently written NPCs. After some quests with the First Recon guys i knew on which side of the firing line i would be standing in the end. Only cool person in the legion is vulpes inculta, imho.
You pretty much have to play as a complete mass murdering sociopath to be evil in most games. In the games with karma systems you usually can murder plenty of innocent people and still be "good" as long you kill some bad people to balance it out; would like to see someone try that defense in real life, don't think it would be too effective.
Good, because when i come across a caravan i can just kill them all and not get my Karma that spiked, and that's not a contradiction.
I was trying to play a neutral character throughout New Vegas-- I killed people I met if they were undefended (all the people with bottle caps :P) and stole tons of stuff. But I still ended up as a "good" character-- the highest level of "good," in fact. So whatever. Fallout 1 and 2 made it easy to play a neutral character. New Vegas seems to make it really difficult.
I tend to ignore Karma completely. It's stupid to get Karma for killing, for example a Fiend or a Ghul in Selfdefense. Your motives should be the thing that counts.
I also do not understand the karma-loss for stealing. In some cases it makes perfect sense, but losing karma for stealing from convicts? Really?

Not that it matters, I was the role-model for a kleptomaniac in NV, but I was still portrayed as a beacon of light.
Graveworm said:
usually as good, 'cause usually such way I can get more XP 8-)

This shows the difference between a good and bad rpg. :>

A good rpg should give you the same xp or reward, regardless if you end a quest in a good, bad or neutral way. As soon as this does not happen, you will most likely do whats best for you and not what you think is right.

Of course, to me, killing everything in sight is not playing a evil character like many people think. It's more a psycho then...
lemonold said:
Good, because when i come across a caravan i can just kill them all and not get my Karma that spiked, and that's not a contradiction.

That's why I impose additional rules on myself. If my character's good marauding caravans where nobody can see isn't included in my options. Same goes for evil - no "good" deeds done even if those would suit me better.

My favourite playstyle is a goody-two-shoes ranger, though.
I'm playing usualy good characters who behave with honour and integrity but no goody two shoes paldin types; if lazy bum NPCs want my help they have to pay for it and nobody will piss on me.
I sided with VC over NCR (canon PC good ending) becouse I don't like police states run by puritans. On the other hand playing chaotic stupid evil is no fun either as needless violence is both primitive and boring.
I usually play good characters since I really can't get myself to do kill innocents, even in a game. Every time I try to do an "evil" play through I end up being a greedy bastard but not necessarily evil.