Good to buy out Cassidy Caravans?


First time out of the vault
I do not like Alice (manager of crimson caravans) and talking someone into selling their business so a larger one can canibalize them is terrible. Is this really the only way to get anywhere with Cass? Like even if I don't want her as a companion, there is no other side of this quest to get crimson off her back? Deal with Alice? Deal with Alice and Jean Bapiste putting hits on independent traders?

How does everyone feel about this quest line and situation?
If you delve further into the questline you can bring retribution to the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan, either legally or through frontier justice.
If you delve further into the questline you can bring retribution to the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan, either legally or through frontier justice.

I do know that, but I still can't get over coercing a buy out of a smaller business. Maybe I have missed it, but does Cass ever get her caravan back?
I surprised that caravans attacking other caravans in the wasteland doesn't happen more often. There are basically no laws in the Mojave, and I don't think the NCR can really do much if two none NCR Caravan company fought each other (if they even care). Unscrupulous NCR caravan companies would probably pay raider gangs to attack rivals.
She doesn't have anything other than the name. Her business is dead and gone, and she knows it, despite Alice's inclination that she could be competition. The reason this is good isn't because of anything you do for Alice, but what you do for Cass. You convince her to essentially stop holding on to the past like a ball and chain and move towards newer ventures.
I surprised that caravans attacking other caravans in the wasteland doesn't happen more often. There are basically no laws in the Mojave, and I don't think the NCR can really do much if two none NCR Caravan company fought each other (if they even care). Unscrupulous NCR caravan companies would probably pay raider gangs to attack rivals.

One of the endings to the caravan dickery questline is the answer to why: retribution. If it's systemic anyway.

Random attacks would probably be repelled about the same as your usual raider prodding.
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Lore-wise, nothing say she cannot grow another caravan company, since she raised one by her own hands.

If nothing else, with all her contact in caravan business, she can always contact a broke company owner (like herself before meeting Courier) and buy their company tittle. THEN rename its name back into Cassidy Caravan, or just Cass Caravan (catchier that way).

As a companion of a wide-travelled Courier with that one's contacts all over the place, she can raise another caravan company up in no time at all. Faster, even.

++IF an NCR-friendly Courier, she can have contact from top brass of Mojave army, to president Kimball. Sure, it's too far removed, but in business it's all it take.
++IF a Vegas boss Courier, she can build a direct link from central LV back to NCR.
++IF a legion-friendly Courier, if she survive the experience, she probabbly can be a smuggling caravan in the underground, linking Legion lands back to NCR. Dangerous business, that, but profitable.
Lore-wise, nothing say she cannot grow another caravan company, since she raised one by her own hands.

Other than her own kinda toxic personality. Cass reminds me somewhat of the Calamity Jane character from the Deadwood series (and real life I suppose) where she is sorta right in terms of the way her moral compass is aligned but she has antisocial tendencies that make it difficult for her to exist within a Society.
Other than her own kinda toxic personality. Cass reminds me somewhat of the Calamity Jane character from the Deadwood series (and real life I suppose) where she is sorta right in terms of the way her moral compass is aligned but she has antisocial tendencies that make it difficult for her to exist within a Society.

Yeah she doesn't seem like the business head type in the first place. A hardass caravaneer sure but not a business woman.
I dont know about Calamity Jane.

I do know Cass is very suitable to be a caravan leader or owner.

Her hard drinking, bold as brass, potty mouth character fit with people who would travel far, living hard and dangerously, moving just for the sake of travel.

As fore being businessman~ A young woman who build her caravan company from ground up, with no help from her parents (dead or MIA) need no steenkeeng requirement.:naughty:
Other than her own kinda toxic personality. Cass reminds me somewhat of the Calamity Jane character from the Deadwood series (and real life I suppose) where she is sorta right in terms of the way her moral compass is aligned but she has antisocial tendencies that make it difficult for her to exist within a Society.

She is sorta Jane without the abuse plotline and like, weakness around abusers, yeah-- though that's not to denigrate Cass's writing or character, she just has a lot of resemblance.