Google+ goes public

No. Facebook already adapted and is still better. Plus is not only ugly but much less intuitive and far clunkier than I think they ever could have possibly seen from their side of the fence. Fuck those guys.
I wouldn't know. I got sick of social networking sites last year, causes too much drama
Even if Google+ was twice as good it would be difficult to migrate over when all of your closest friends and contacts still use Facebook. Google+ came about 5 years too late.
Usually only to and/or for people already susceptible to such behaviour as I've found. I've been happily using facebook to keep in close touch with my sister, other close family members and the handfuls of friends I've abandoned (I've moved four times since highschool) scattered across the universe.

Not only that but it has proved more than useful for promoting my band and other artistic endeavors.

People who let the "drama" get to them might be missing the "hide" or "block" features methinks. Or just need a thicker skin.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Usually only to and/or for people already susceptible to such behaviour as I've found. I've been happily using facebook to keep in close touch with my sister, other close family members and the handfuls of friends I've abandoned (I've moved four times since highschool) scattered across the universe.

Not only that but it has proved more than useful for promoting my band and other artistic endeavors.

People who let the "drama" get to them might be missing the "hide" or "block" features methinks. Or just need a thicker skin.

Word, Facebook is the most useful event planning tool out there, useful in the fact that it has the most users and it's easy to organize events you're hosting or attending.
I like segregating things about myself amongst different groups of people. Shit I would use different accounts to post here and The Order if Kharn wouldn't ban me for it. Google+ is all about that. Now Facebook is trying that, maybe it's the feature that will convince me to use it, maybe not. But right now I'm going to use Google+ and see what it's about.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
TwinkieGorilla said:
Usually only to and/or for people already susceptible to such behaviour as I've found. I've been happily using facebook to keep in close touch with my sister, other close family members and the handfuls of friends I've abandoned (I've moved four times since highschool) scattered across the universe.

Not only that but it has proved more than useful for promoting my band and other artistic endeavors.

People who let the "drama" get to them might be missing the "hide" or "block" features methinks. Or just need a thicker skin.

Word, Facebook is the most useful event planning tool out there, useful in the fact that it has the most users and it's easy to organize events you're hosting or attending.

Agree on both accounts. I've invested too much time in FB already, no point to make the switch to something brand new just because it's brand new and hip ("OMG it's from Google guise", not to disparage google because I do use Chrome and it's amazing but that's how I feel some people think).

I'm content wth FB at the moment and will be for a while.
I have been using google+ since the beginning (I live near one of their google douche-plexes and know people who work there so I got an invite).

I think its pretty lame. It does allow you to segregate stuff etc... but I think im just too old to enjoy it.

it would work well for a college kid trying to bang lots of chicks while trying to keep all of them from knowing about each other.

Just my opinion
I don't even use Facebook, it just happens that I have met the moste obnoxious people in highschool back at my hometown, and connecting is an inmediate flux of invitations to their things, I use either Steam or messenger ot talk to people. So no, I think I won't use Google + either.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Usually only to and/or for people already susceptible to such behaviour as I've found. I've been happily using facebook to keep in close touch with my sister, other close family members and the handfuls of friends I've abandoned (I've moved four times since highschool) scattered across the universe.

Not only that but it has proved more than useful for promoting my band and other artistic endeavors.

People who let the "drama" get to them might be missing the "hide" or "block" features methinks. Or just need a thicker skin.

I don't let it get to me it's just annoying when people say stuff behind a monitor they wouldn't IRL.

The internet always brings the worst out of people, and when it's your IRL buddies then it's even worse
I personally like Facebook. It always depends on how the user handles his personal data, everything can be customized, so stuff can be only shown to close friends etc. It allows me to connect myself to some "famous" folk and can directly message them (if it's something serious and no "lol when did u go to toilet today xDD" stuff. It also allows me to easily share and promote stuff like Twinkie already said. Last but not least, some close friends use it, for example it was very awesome when a friend of mine went to mongolia for 3 months and each day you got a new photo of a some hillariously beautiful landscape just one click away. Ofcourse there are other platforms you can do all that stuff aswell - but it's just convenient all in all.

I have never met an obnoxious person who just spams bullshit there, and even if I would, there is always the block button.
Hey Shihonage - is your avatar some new model for Shelter? :o I hope it is - meaning you've found someone doing them for you.
'tis true!

However I'm keeping it on the down-low until Monsterland is finished and I can get back to advancing Shelter.
Surf Solar said:
I have never met an obnoxious person who just spams bullshit there, and even if I would, there is always the block button.

This is the other thing... some people have complaints about Facebook because they treat it like MySpace. If you have 500 friends (and you are a regular person who isn't promoting or selling something) you're probably doing something wrong. I have 200 and I feel like that is a lot. I only interact with maybe 40 of them on a regular basis. I do however know all 200 of them, so I'm not being inundated with copy/paste glitter spam from random friend requests that I accepted.
Just looked it up. From the 49 "friends" I have, 11 are not my real "friends" but people I am interested in. All the others are close friends I am often meeting. This is surprising, actually. Since I always complain and all, ~30 is a high number of friends I regularly meet. An interesting observation is, that none of these is a female. :D I have never had a single "female friend" in my life.

Interesting observation!
Google+ is actually functionally a lot better than FB and designed a whole helluva a lot better. The UI is pretty damned solid from the get go and changes have improved functionality while generally not fucking with shit, as opposed to Facebook which is constantly changed, with no option to revert, and generally doesn't give a fuck about what it's users want. And hell, most of it's changes since G+ came out have all been attempts to make FB more like G+. And failed miserably.

The whole circle system is just amazing if you can actually learn how to use it (which is not hard, but people are dumb/lazy), and it handles privacy a whole helluva lot more intuitively and simply than Facebook ever will, and generally predisposes you to be more private than less (which facebook never did). Games are also shunted off to their own little area and they never cross over into your regular stream.

The only thing the circle system is missing is nested circles (ie so adding someone to a child circle puts them in the parent circle too (IE, School > Nerd Club > Fallout fans)), but that's coming at somepoint. or it has been added already, dunno. I haven't been social networking.

It's basically superior to FB in every way except that a lot of people are lazy and refuse to move over (or even try it) until everyone else has tried and no one will do that because no one else they know is on it.
I tried it in beta, it was very clunky and counterintuitive all around. Quite an abortion, like some sort of a graduate student project.

If you have patience for being a guinea pig for that sort of crap, and for reconstructing your friend list from scratch for no truly compelling reason... good for you.

P.S. it is extremely naive to think that Google isn't doing the same shit to their systems as Facebook does. They're both known for some pretty awful things, such as Google Buzz (Google Plus 0.9?), being automatically on and automatically sharing your actions with others.

So much for privacy.

Gmail is a horror beyond very basic use. It's a hacked together project that blatantly ignores existing standards (i.e. POP3 protocol compliance, for starters), and omits very basic things that it simply should have (i.e. ways to autoarchive or autodelete old mail, or sending notifications to user when they approach their mailbox limit).

Gmail also has a bug that's been unaddressed for at least 2 years, where it simply stops checking other mailboxes you gave it to check. Just stops, without saying anything anywhere.

"Free stuff" is never free. Not with Facebook and not with Google. Since it's free, they'll dump a load of crap on your head and you will eat it. Since it's free, they'll leave bugs and holes to fester.

This kind of Soviet Union-inspired nonsense permeates much of Google, and I expect nothing less in Google+'s future.
korindabar said:
Surf Solar said:
I have never met an obnoxious person who just spams bullshit there, and even if I would, there is always the block button.

This is the other thing... some people have complaints about Facebook because they treat it like MySpace. If you have 500 friends (and you are a regular person who isn't promoting or selling something) you're probably doing something wrong. I have 200 and I feel like that is a lot. I only interact with maybe 40 of them on a regular basis. I do however know all 200 of them, so I'm not being inundated with copy/paste glitter spam from random friend requests that I accepted.

I don't have a single friend, and couldn't be happier...because I refuse to use social networking, if I want to see someone I visit them, if I need to communicate, I pick up a phone - I'm an old fashioned bastard - are we are a dying breed? :(