I tried it in beta, it was very clunky and counterintuitive all around. Quite an abortion, like some sort of a graduate student project.
If you have patience for being a guinea pig for that sort of crap, and for reconstructing your friend list from scratch for no truly compelling reason... good for you.
P.S. it is extremely naive to think that Google isn't doing the same shit to their systems as Facebook does. They're both known for some pretty awful things, such as Google Buzz (Google Plus 0.9?), being automatically on and automatically sharing your actions with others.
So much for privacy.
Gmail is a horror beyond very basic use. It's a hacked together project that blatantly ignores existing standards (i.e. POP3 protocol compliance, for starters), and omits very basic things that it simply should have (i.e. ways to autoarchive or autodelete old mail, or sending notifications to user when they approach their mailbox limit).
Gmail also has a bug that's been unaddressed for at least 2 years, where it simply stops checking other mailboxes you gave it to check. Just stops, without saying anything anywhere.
"Free stuff" is never free. Not with Facebook and not with Google. Since it's free, they'll dump a load of crap on your head and you will eat it. Since it's free, they'll leave bugs and holes to fester.
This kind of Soviet Union-inspired nonsense permeates much of Google, and I expect nothing less in Google+'s future.