Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

I am so McFucking excited to have people IRL ask me if I've seen the show because they know I like Fallout.
Oh I reached a point with Fallout 4 where I would not tell people I like Fallout unless I know what kinda person they are cause I just don't wanna get into it. And if someone were to ask me if I like Fallout I'd just say I don't like it and move on to another conversation. At this point I would never admit to ever having liked Fallout to outsiders.
That's one of the best designs.
I don't think so; Bethesda's designs never fit the setting.
With hubris they inserted their own PA design into the lore as an earlier model than the ones already established in the series, yet their designs would not have evolved into the —later— designs seen in Fallout 1 & 2. This makes an incongruity.

My issue with the armor seen in the video, is that the actors do not impart the assumed weight of functional PA suits.
[...this is wildly debatable of course, as Fallout lists the weight of the armor as an absurd 42 pounds.]
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I don't think so; Bethesda's designs never fit the setting.
With hubris they inserted their own PA design into the lore as an earlier model than the ones already established in the series, yet their designs would not have evolved into the —later— designs seen in Fallout 1 & 2. This makes an incongruity.

My issue with the armor seen in the video, is that the actors do not impart the assumed weight of functional PA suits.
[...this is wildly debatable of course, as Fallout lists the weight of the armor as an absurd 42 pounds.]
So you're a lot more knowledgeable about power armor lore than I am, would you mind giving me a rundown on inconsistencies in the power armor lore?
So you're a lot more knowledgeable about power armor lore than I am, would you mind giving me a rundown on inconsistencies in the power armor lore?
What inconsistencies in specific?

I am not the best source of technical lore... The first games list the t-51 as weighing 42 pounds, and the ADV Enclave PA from Fallout 2 as weighing 50 pounds. Presumably these are not made from conventional metal, but from advanced polymer/ceramics —I've no idea.

In theory the suits work like humanoid bipedal self actuating vehicles that avoid the wearer's internal movements—as opposed to the heavy loader that Ripley uses in the Aliens film, which is piloted like a walking forklift.


The Enclave PA is described (somewhere) as having leg-locks, for guard duty; such that the wearer can immobilize the legs, and just relax in the suit.

*In both styles [Aliens & Fallout] this should mean that it works more like a vehicle than an armored outfit.
The occupant's personal strength should not affect it (nor improve upon it); that would be of dubious utility, and be mechanically dangerous.

When FO3 was still in development, I suggested (on Bethsoft) that power armor be treated like a vehicle, for the reason that close quarter environments could require that the PC exit the armor at times... like to climb down a manhole, or walk up rickety stairs in a burned out house; both of which would strip them of the strength advantage from wearing the armor, and so reinforce that need for strength point allocation, and not just game the system to assume strength from the PA suits.

I also suggested that any [working] suit that was capable of self balance should be capable of being pulled along by a tether, so that the PC did not have to carry it when not being worn.
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I don't think so; Bethesda's designs never fit the setting.
With hubris they inserted their own PA design into the lore as an earlier model than the ones already established in the series, yet their designs would not have evolved into the —later— designs seen in Fallout 1 & 2. This makes an incongruity.
Yeah, that's a timeline issue, I agree. Not familiar with Hubris though. I'm more talking about the industrial design looking good.

Presumably these are not made from conventional metal, but from advanced polymer/ceramics —I've no idea.
Bucky paper encased in another material which lets them get away with less metal and lower weight. Something like that maybe. Could explain why PA can tank damage so well until parts start falling off due to this type of construction.
Not familiar with Hubris though
Hubris: Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.
The occupant's personal strength should not affect it (nor improve upon it)
This is something that always bothered me about the flat Strength bonuses that power armor gives. I actually modded FNV power armor to give +10 Strength so that every character gets the same Strength while wearing power armor regardless of the character’s Strength without it. Also gave salvaged power armor -10 Agility to reflect that you really shouldn’t be able to move well at all wearing unpowered power armor.
Re: PA Strength Bonus and Character Strength

My headcanon is that PA works WITH the User's strength somehow, its not just hydraulics doing the work.

But I agree that plausability-wise, it shouldn't be affected by player strength.