RE: Actually none of those.
>> Ever heard of the chaos theory? Universe is
>> everything BUT in order.
>I heard about it, not too
>much, though, but, despite what
>you think, universe is reign
>by physics laws. Why there're
>laws? Because if not, it
>would be purely anarchy, it
>would not exist. How can
>universe exist if there is
>no order? No path to
>Did you heard about the FACT
>that everything is a system
>of a major system? Systems
>have laws, if not, they
>can't exist. They're *nothing*.
>Lets see the most common nature
>system that can be found
>in space. A planet rounds
>a star because that star
>creates a dense magnetic attraction
>field that don't let the
Actually a gravitational theory, but for the most part you are correct.
>planet escape. So... It's over!
>Anarchy stops its existence because
>the planet can't have completely
>freedom because a major system
>exists, the star. And the
>star? It is constantly walking
>around a galaxy. But, if
>the stars would not exist,
>the earth (for example) would
>not have the neccessary heat
>to allow the human being
>to live. A minor system
>is created. Dependency is a
>must. And with dependency, anarchy
>stop its existence.
>And, from what I heard, the
>chaos issue exists as a
>form of explanation for the
>"random" phenomena, such topic human
>can't totally understand, and it
>isn't more than a *theory*.
And the fact that humans can't document every single factor that contributes to this so-called "randomness."
Only prime numbers like pi have total randomness.
>> You beleive in faith and the destinty to, don't
>> you?
>> Big Bang was absolutely not a thing of order,
>> it was total chaos and so will it forever be.
>> BUT, universe is not in order, it has been, it
>> is and it will forever be in total chaos and
>> randomness.
>Are you sure? Big Bang not a
>thing of order? Why do
>you think that?
>Who made Big Bang happen? God?
>Themself? Because they wanted? Because
>one of the enourmous masses
>wanted to touch the other
Hell, scientists have formulated the conditions of the Big Bang like 0.000000000000000000000000001 seconds after it happened. That could not happen if it were not ordered.
>> narchy can exist, in small communities. Like a
>> small village in africa were there's no law and
>> no goverment. In that village the women control
>> their men and children.
>Culture is order. Childrens will not
>fuck their sisters because there
>is a primary law called
>incest. You would NEVER see
>that incest is gonna be
>made inside a family, NEVER.
>So, anarchy can't exist in
>a family, and much less
>in a community.
Actually you'll see incest in remote areas and backwater places. Hell many polygamy groups perform incest (theres some in my state). What happens is that the children that are born from incest have genetic disorders like Thyroid problems and appear more "Neanderthalic" than normal children (high brows, etc.).
However instinctually, animals do not like to breed with their own kind. A law of mind.
>> But there are still no written laws so I call
>> that anarchy and that'll do for me.
>It wasn't written, but it's there.
>Open your eyes and you
>will see that "what the
>majority thinks is the best
>suggestion that suggestion wins" is
>a law.
He seems to believe that a law has to be WRITTEN before it is a law. In some villages laws are passed down orally, as are stories and such. How about the fact that most of us haven't even seen the laws stating that you can't kill a person and yet abide by them because were were taught to?
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