video-interview with Pete Hines


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
The Polish website, owned by CD Projekt, has a video interview with Pete Hines up on their website. While the questions are in Polish, Pete Hines answers in English.

Pete Hines speaks mainly about the fact that your character skills should determine success
He briefly mentions that talking yourself out of situations is a very viable option.

He does claim that ghouls will work as they did in the original Fallout, you can find them, talk to them and trade with them as you can with regular humans.
Super Mutants are still mainly bad guy, "their role in the game is largely adversarial. They don't like humans, they want to kill them and get rid of them, and you as a human are a problem."

Some factions are going to hate you no matter what you do, and with some factions you'll have some options. There aren't many groups that you'd call factions or guilds that you can join, though.

Outside of Dogmeat (who is optional) you can have exactly 1 other human companion, and there are no other animal companions than Dogmeat.

Pete Hines also briefly speaks about the fanbase that dislikes the changes they made to the franchise. He isn't worried about those fans not liking the game, since he knows they'll dislike the game. However, they felt they couldn't keep making the same game as was made 10 years ago and that they should move the series forward. He hopes that the people that remember Fallout for the story and the setting will still find those things in Fallout 3.

Thanks Ausir, again.
agree with him about moving the series forward, i think hes right not to re-make the same game.

A little dissapointing about the number of companions and the number of joinable fractions.

I wonder if some super mutants will be friendly (marcus ect)
There's a difference between moving the game forward, and tossing out all the elements that made the series great in the first place.
Moving the series forward by making a crappy spinoff?

That's not progress, it's a shameful moneygrab by a talentless group of hacks who managed to get their grubby little hands on an IP that they were not capable of treating with respect in the first place because they didn't play the games and are not capable of understanding that everyone in the world doesn't want to play dumbed down and insultingly boring adventure games in FPP on a console that costs way too much.

Fuck you Hines.

We told you what you incompetent pricks could do so that you could actually sell us this game, and you assholes went in the complete opposite direction, and you did so intentionally.

I am sick of the constant stream of bullshit that they're spreading that says that we are the problem here, and that our views of what make a good Fallout game don't mesh with the gaming market.

We are the market, assholes.
We buy games, just like we did back when Fallout came out.

Constantly insinuating that what we want won't sell, is nothing more than bullshit, because everyone here would buy Fallout 3 if it wasn't completely divergent from the franchise and actually included a bit of what made the games great.

Add to this the number of sales that you'd get by word of mouth when we praised our new and awesome Fallout game to the skies and there you go: The money you want so desperately would be pouring in, you ignorant moneygrubbing bastids.
whirlingdervish said:
Moving the series forward by making a crappy spinoff?

That's not progress, it's a shameful moneygrab by a talentless group of hacks who managed to get their grubby little hands on an IP that they were not capable of ( :edit: Creating in the first place) treating with respect in the first place because they didn't play the games and are not capable of understanding that everyone in the world doesn't want to play dumbed down and insultingly boring adventure games in FPP on a console that costs way too much.

Fuck you Hines.

We told you what you incompetent pricks could do so that you could actually sell us this game, and you assholes went in the complete opposite direction, and you did so intentionally.

My sentiments exactly! POS2 here we come!
However, they felt they couldn't keep making the same game as was made 10 years ago and that they should move the series forward

That is really priceless coming from an employee of a company whose only work is giving a facelift and a lobotomy on the same game ever since Arena.

Where are these so-called innovations on The Elder Scrolls series? When will we see an isometric turn-based TES sequel? These hacks used to compare their abomination of a Fallout to what Richard Garriott did on Ultima, but the truth is, they are simply a one-trick pony and it's not even a good trick at that.
His lips move and sounds come out, but he says nothing of substance.

Good ol slippery Pete.

"moving forward"
this is just marketing bullshit "verbiage"
Ravager69 said:
I'm tired of arguing about whether it'll be true to the series or not (mainly because it's pretty obvious it won't) - just wait for th goddamn game.

I'm pretty tired of this as well, although not for the same reason.

I'm tired of the people who just nitpick and bash incessantly, taking every small comment and blowing it out of proportion.

Please bitch as bitching should be done, by properly discussing things you don't like and how you'd like it to improve. The redundancy is killing me people. Someone whining with transparent and minute words is just as dull as blind Bethesda praise.
Really, find something concrete to whine about, back it up, and then cease to make paragraph long rants of no substance.

Just because it's an internet forum doesn't mean it needs to degenerate into a miasma of complaining. There's a difference between complaining and actually finding a valid fault with something.

Next time if Pete Hines says something in comparison of Fallout 3 to Oblivion leave a passing comment at most, I'm tired of threads being filled up with the same repetitive comments over and over from people who just seem to be copying eachother.
Get some creativity into your disapproval of Bethesda. We all know they're doing things wrong, there have been a few things that people here have liked as well.
Don't turn these news threads into NMA's equivalent of Fallout 3 previews, the same thing over and over again.
Why bother?

Bethesda wouldn't know creativity if we slapped them in the face with it.

I'm not going to act all meek because it might make us look "better" to the few people who care enough to come here and get the truth.

If my only outlet for the rage that I feel about the way that Bethesda treats us and the disrespect they show the games we love, is in text form, then you can damn well expect me to use some angry words and to not sound cheerful about the way they repeatedly shit on us and lie about what we want in every interview.

I'd rather be strongly opinionated and show it, than appear to be fickle and apathetic by not showing the depth of my growing disgust with this title and developer.

BTW, was there anything else (other than his jab at NMA) worth discussing in this? I see nothing new here other than his "claim" that some ghouls can be bartered with.
So when I read a Pete Hines-quoting article and notice that the level of complexity of the VP's for marketing and PR speech is barely adequate for a non-mentally retarded adult and plainly laughable for any public speaking representative (let alone a VP), my initial reaction should be to contain myself and find a creative and constructive way to express my disgust?

With all due respect, I fail to see any usefulness of constructive criticism in this context. I just make a quick joke about it and return back to work.
You both obviously did not understand what I meant.

This has nothing to do with how Bethesda treats us or anything of that sort. It's the discussion itself. It's a forum, the redundancy of the things being posted over and over is unbelievable.

Each time I look at a thread about new screens I see some retarded comments like "THAT FAG DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A SUPERMUTANT, BETHESDA FAAAAGS!"

An example of a good thread could be the one where the discussion of the Behemoth's/Supermutants' look became far more in depth, people argued about what actually made Fallout's supermutants unique, be it posture, the shape of the head, or other details.

That's a lot better than just crying on about something being sucky. Maybe I've been turned into a detail freak that needs everything to be fully fleshed out, but I think you guys could agree that we should try to at least make a discussion out of the things we don't like or do like rather than just having a thread be a pot of disconnected posts that's a bunch of disjointed whining.
again, what would be the point of that?

The forum is already chock-full of our interpretations of what Super Mutants/Fallout/etc really should be, and even tidbits from the original developers on these topics and what they intended.

Constructive criticism won't make Fallout 3 any better.

Having in-depth discussions of the ways that their spinoff if diverging from what makes Fallout, is not going to stop them from continuing on the path of screwing it up.

case in point:
He isn't worried about those fans not liking the game, since he knows they'll dislike the game.

They aren't accepting input on the game, from us.

They never were. (unless you count that contrived and stupid perk contest that was won by some of the most idiotic perks I've ever seen)

No amount of discussing Fallout 3 and it's failures is going to change their mind about ignoring the fanbase of Fallout and catering this atrocity towards the console crowd and their lower expectations for what makes a quality game that has DEPTH and CONSEQUENCES.

I should be more concise.

This is a board for discussion, I'd like more discussion and less posts that just amount to spam AKA posts that aren't really discussing anything and just being junk.

Nuts to what Bethesda thinks, we can still talk about it, really, what's the difference? You can go nuts and rant, or you can use a forum as it was meant to be used.
Either way won't make a difference towards Fallout 3 true, but one is better than the other.
Eyenixon, I understand what you're trying to say, but please remember, this is the "News Comments" board. The name says it all: it was created with reactive commentary in mind. I think both "General Fallout Discussion" and "Fallout 3 Suggestions and Ideas" boards would be more appropriate for the types of discussion you proposed.
However, they felt they couldn't keep making the same game as was made 10 years ago and that they should move the series forward.

The sooner developers stop confusing the terms RENDERER and GAME, the better.

The only thing that's moved forward in Fallout 3 is the RENDERER.
I guess we all agree to say that if one wants a perfect carbon copy of the design and setting of the previous episodes ( which would be rather logical since FO3 is not supposed to be a spin-off but a true sequel ) then it won't be the case and is already too late from what we have already seen.

Whether it is a bad game or not indeed still remains to be determined in my opinion and this is why I will wait for the first gameplay videos to make my opinion on that game.

As regards the fact that the game is called Fallout 3, well...After having played both Fallout Tactics and POS ( and disliked both ) and especially after the death of Troïka, I sort of got used to the idea that from now on we cannot really expect a true sequel to be released anytime soon. This is why even though I'm pissed off by the fact the Bethesda does not seem to care much about the original design, I will probably be able to enjoy the game for what it is if there are choices and consequences and a somewhat nice atmosphere and storyline. I shall see...
Ranne said:
Eyenixon, I understand what you're trying to say, but please remember, this is the "News Comments" board. The name says it all: it was created with reactive commentary in mind. I think both "General Fallout Discussion" and "Fallout 3 Suggestions and Ideas" boards would be more appropriate for the types of discussion you proposed.

Intelligent discussion?
However, they felt they couldn't keep making the same game as was made 10 years ago and that they should move the series forward. He hopes that the people that remember Fallout for the story and the setting will still find those things in Fallout 3.

I kinda agree that the game needed to move forward, but I personnaly think that they didn't move it in the direction that fallout 1 and 2 was taking. They are making something new with it, something that Fallout wasn't meant to be. I think the fanbase is right to feel betrayed. (I consider myself one of this fan..)
It won't be a Fallout 3, but more of a BoS 2. Might be a good game thought. I will surely buy it, (hey, even if the dialogue sucked i really like the Morrowind world, and the ambivalence about Vivec who maybe betrayed you, and the fact that the answer was hidden in code in the books...).

About the new with the Supermutant, I don't think I like it..;
If those Supermutants comes from the West coast, they are pretty old and they had time to think about themselves. Sure most are dumb, but their leaders usualy aren't . Their dream of Unity is gone, and they must see that their number is decreasing more and more. They should understand that a constant opposition with the evergrowing population of human can't be a solution...
An if they are a new kind of Supermutant, then they must seek to capture new prey to plundge in the vats, not kill them.
This supermutant don't like humans thing seems a little simplistic to me.
Just my opinion thought.