fa2241 said:Anything that's not a crappy remake of Risk? After trying out HoI2, I can safely say that I don't like it, it seems very unrealistic/unbalanced to me. Are there any good turn based Grand Strategy games out there?
Mikael Grizzly said:Master of Orion 2.
Alternatively, Galactic Civilizations.
Slaughter Manslaught said:Definitely Alpha Centauri. Seems to be "Civilization IN SPACE!" at the first glance, but it's more deeper than that. It's one of the best 4X games there is. If you take a look at all Civilization titles after Alpha Centauri, they're all still trying to incorporate features from Alpha Centauri, but they FAIL at it. HARD. Alpha Centauri is better than any civilization title, including IV.
Patton89 said:What made CIV:4 feel weird , was the caveman who destroyed my tank with his wooden club.
Next time, please add technology checks.
TheRatKing said:WTF? That's never happened to me in Civ 2 or 4. Is your tank like at 0 health before the attack? Usually, in Civ 4, warriors have a 0% chance to kill anything stronger than a maceman or something (haven't played in a while tho').