Grand Strategy Games


Still Mildly Glowing
So, after playing the Civilization and Total War series of games, I've discovered that I tend to enjoy the "Grand Strategy" genre a lot. Can you guys recommend me any other games of this type that are equally or more enjoyable?
Yeah, get HOI 2! Play as any nation in the world between 1936-1953 and also one second equals one hour game time. You are going to have one long war game.
I too would recommend HoI 2 with expansions. Nothing beats conquering the world with USSR. Or "uniting" South America with brazil or Argentina. Or rebuilding Spanish colonies etc. etc.
The graphics are not that good, but the gameplay is great.

And of course EU3, and maybe even Victoria, even though Victoria is more building/management centered than HoI 2. All of these are made by paradox, and you CAN convert your games from EU3->Victoria->HoI 2 doomday. Though it tends to become silly and ahistorical.
Yeah, go to and check out their strategy games. And don't be afraid to try the older ones like Victoria and Crusader Kings.

I enjoyed Hearts of Iron immensely, and lately I've been enjoying Europa Universalis 3. If you get EU3 be sure to get the version with both the expansions (Napoleon's Ambition and In Nomine).
Anything that's not a crappy remake of Risk? After trying out HoI2, I can safely say that I don't like it, it seems very unrealistic/unbalanced to me. Are there any good turn based Grand Strategy games out there?
Dude, you'll be hard pressed to find a grand stategy WWII game more realistic than HOI2.

But it can indeed be a tad unbalanced, at times. Some nations (notably the USA) are just not overwhelmingly powerful enough. Therefore it's advised to use the Doomsday + Armageddon expansion, and some good mods (the Mod-44 is my personal favorite).
fa2241 said:
Anything that's not a crappy remake of Risk? After trying out HoI2, I can safely say that I don't like it, it seems very unrealistic/unbalanced to me. Are there any good turn based Grand Strategy games out there?

What specifically don't you like about HOI2? There are many flaws and such, but for a game that's so complex they're tolerable. If you get HOI 2, and the Doomsday and Armageddon expansions (which are very cheap), the game is great. Even better with some of the long-term mod projects like the Total Realism Project mod. The US gets its' overwhelming power once the war starts, you have to use actual breakthrough tactics, etc.

How can you call HOI2 a "Risk remake"? That's a pretty audatious statement your making there.

EDIT: About the turn-based issue, HOI is essentially turn-based. The game is designed around your ability to pause the game at any point and issue orders and such. It's a great comprimise between reflex based RTSs, and the unrealistic aspects of fully turn-based strategy games.
Definitely Alpha Centauri. Seems to be "Civilization IN SPACE!" at the first glance, but it's more deeper than that. It's one of the best 4X games there is. If you take a look at all Civilization titles after Alpha Centauri, they're all still trying to incorporate features from Alpha Centauri, but they FAIL at it. HARD. Alpha Centauri is better than any civilization title, including IV.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Definitely Alpha Centauri. Seems to be "Civilization IN SPACE!" at the first glance, but it's more deeper than that. It's one of the best 4X games there is. If you take a look at all Civilization titles after Alpha Centauri, they're all still trying to incorporate features from Alpha Centauri, but they FAIL at it. HARD. Alpha Centauri is better than any civilization title, including IV.

Nerve stapling.
Hey, I happen to like SMAC. It's one of those concise, well paced strategy games. A good classic. I remember a West Point war college student wrote a FAQ on it.

Galactic 2 is fairly slow paced, and I constantly find myself wasting time designing ships instead of playing the game. The finance side was a bit messy, but I had fun.

Something about Civ 4 really bugged me, and I couldn't figured out why, so that's on hold for now.
What made CIV:4 feel weird , was the caveman who destroyed my tank with his wooden club.
Next time, please add technology checks.
Patton89 said:
What made CIV:4 feel weird , was the caveman who destroyed my tank with his wooden club.
Next time, please add technology checks.

That bugged me about CivIV too, having some of my mech. infantry dying to spearmen. Otherwise, CivIV was solid.
That's one of the problems that's been with the CIV series since the begining. They've been getting better with each reiteration. I remember in CIV II when a phalanx unit killed my Battleship. :roll:

Of course, when it's YOUR warrior fending off that Mech Inf., it's the best thing in the world!
WTF? That's never happened to me in Civ 2 or 4. Is your tank like at 0 health before the attack? Usually, in Civ 4, warriors have a 0% chance to kill anything stronger than a maceman or something (haven't played in a while tho').
TheRatKing said:
WTF? That's never happened to me in Civ 2 or 4. Is your tank like at 0 health before the attack? Usually, in Civ 4, warriors have a 0% chance to kill anything stronger than a maceman or something (haven't played in a while tho').

I exaggerated a bit, but it still makes no sense how a tank can be damaged by low tech troops ? thats one of the main reasons why i really hate the combat in the game. It is so abstract and gamey, and really makes no sense.