
First time out of the vault
For anyone who has ever watched the show Odyssey 5, and knows how great it is, should go to the address below and sign the petition to see if this fantastic show can be saved from cancellation. I know that signing an online petition will probably do nothing, but its the thought that counts!

How many have actualy watched this show all the way through :?:
Holy shit!

Welsh now has the official title of "NMA number 1 gravedigger"

Congrats Welsh!

Also, Babylon 5 is really good.

MST3K is my favourite, but that's prolly 'cause it's my favourite series overal. And yes, it is an SF show.
Wasn't there a show called Quark, it ran for less than a season, about an interstellar garbage man?

Yes, Babylon 5 was pretty good. I like Farscape for awhile. What can I say I dig blue chicks.

ANd yes, there were some pretty good posts back there.
Farscape, Star Trek (the next generation), Futurama (does this count? it's sort of SF, but it's animated...But it's just for the laugh of it not to be taken seriously...)
I liked Millenium quite a bit while it was one. A darker X-files.

Does anyone remember an English show called UFO (or at least I think that's what it was called) feature a moon base with interceptors, submarines that launched jets?