GSoundtracks interviews Mark Morgan Fallout Composer

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Mark Morgan the music composer for not only Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, but also Planescape Torment has returned to business in the games industry after some years in the television business. He's interviewed about his past and future and mentions some nice stuff about the creative process behind his work.

<blockquote>What were you specific goals with the score? How did you deal with the interactive side of the game? How important were themes and theme development as opposed to ambient underscore?

My goal was to create emotional reactions for the player appropriate to the characters and the story onscreen. As far as the interactive aspect of the game, that was not one of my priorities in this particular instance. The score for Planescape: Torment felt like a film to me, in that the themes were primarily character driven.

What are you currently working on? Are you involved in Bethesda’s Fallout 3?

As I said earlier, I have just started writing for one project and am in negotiations on another, both are very cool. I don’t mean to be vague but I’m not at liberty to discuss the titles as of yet, hopefully I can divulge them soon. As far as Fallout 3, I am not involved in that game. </blockquote>

Read it all at GSoundtracks.
UncannyGarlic said:
Cool interview, can't wait to find out what his current projects are.
Would be cool if it was Fallout Online.

I'm wondering about that Fallout 3 question though. Is the interviewer not up to speed or was this done a long time ago?
The interview is older (don't know how old exactly), but it's been up on Mark Morgan's site for at least a couple of weeks now.

I still find it amazing, how he only had about a week to create the soundtrack for Torment, yet he came through with one of the best scores I ever heard in a game. I think Lustmord was originally hired to do the music, but the producers changed their minds in the last moment.
genious, friggin genious :')
Adding his music to F3 doesnt help much, but boy do I feel shivers when it starts. usually what follows its a sad feeling of despair but that's ok :p

Does anyone knows about his latest projects?
I wonder how his reaction is like, seeing so many changes within the game industry, after those years...