Guiness 50 most influential games of all times

Rufus Luccarelli said:
Leon said:

Wow... they included Gex. Thought that game was completely forgotten about and to be never spoken of again...

Just because it doesn't have a huge franchise that has lasted 15 years and has had dozens of releases that have nothing to do with the original and has become so refined that it is most of a cookie cutting project doesn't mean he wasn't a badass hero.

Anyone remember Tiny Tank? Pretty fun for a glitched up shit. Some of the levels in 1 player mode were pretty killer.
Farmerk said:
Just because it doesn't have a huge franchise that has lasted 15 years and has had dozens of releases that have nothing to do with the original and has become so refined that it is most of a cookie cutting project doesn't mean he wasn't a badass hero.

I'm just surprised someone remembers the little gecko. Haven't seen that game in a loooong time.
Farmerk said:
Anyone remember Tiny Tank? Pretty fun for a glitched up shit. Some of the levels in 1 player mode were pretty killer.
I used to think that the intro was the most hilarious thing. I was never very good at the game, though.