Mikael Grizzly said:
No, that quote is bullshit. Sorry for being direct, but that quote has no place in modern 21st century society
what? M.A.D. didn't protect your ass the last 30 years?
fuck off, seriously. you have no fucking clue. yes, the world is evolving, but no, it's not a place you want to be unprepared in. you've lived sheltered all your life and really don't realise what it takes...
the quote still has a very clear place in our world.
Mikael Grizzly said:
And I don't think you actually grasp the reasoning here - people who have real need can get a permit; those who don't have a significantly harder time getting one and usually get LTL tools, which are just as, if not more effective.
you have to know you're in danger in your reasoning, dumbass.
[spoiler:2d445c8f38]A CRIMINAL USUALLY DOESN'T ANNOUNCE HIMSELF.[/spoiler:2d445c8f38]
because, you know, if they did, they'd all be sitting in jail.
as for the LTL tools being more effective, allow me to laugh in your ignorant face. you do realise why cops don't carry LTL as their primary weapons right? why nearly no army even has it in their standard equipment?
Mikael Grizzly said:
Assuming that the criminal is a moron and attacks head on or behaves conspicuously that is.
a majority of muggers do ask for money first, you know... a fair share of the burglaries are 'hot' meaning the people are in their home as they get burgled.
just to name 2 examples. seriously, use your brain.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Limiting proliferation of firearms isn't retardation.
and why exactly is regulated proliferation bad?
strict firearm legislation in the UK and Australia caused an explosion in crime. easing up firearms laws in Belgium had no negative effect.
while that doesn't mean this will always be the case, it does clearly show that limiting proliferation CAN INDEED BE BAD.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Anyone can have a bad day and become a danger to society. Besides:
As an example of what "gun culture" potentially leads to.
[spoiler:2d445c8f38]Switzerland still has less murders than you do, while all reservists (about 1 per family) own a fully automatic firearm and where sport shooting is national sport.[/spoiler:2d445c8f38]
you also realise that the same family murders happen without guns, right? not so long ago a mother called her kids into a room one by one and slit their throats. she then sliced her wrists. i'd prefer to be shot in the friggin' head than have my throat cut, seriously. weapons are tools, so are many other things. limiting firearms won't limit murders. hell, in quite some cases it does the exact opposite.
Mikael Grizzly said:
EDIT: Found the picture that illustrates the point:
and what point is that? the guy likes his Sig 552. so what?
some people take family pictures with their goddamn electric trains, this guy does with his gun. so fucking what?
Mikael Grizzly said:
Ah yes, the famous "gun nut" civil manner of speaking.
irrelevant to the subject.
Mikael Grizzly said:
There is a difference between a cop and a civilian, and it's very basic. A cop is a cop, and it's in his job description to get into situation most civilians don't get into, usually not once in their lives.
Please come up with a more valid comparison, Sue.
I think we've also covered this in our discussion with Yamu.
why does a person carry a concealed weapon? because a cop is kinda heavy to carry inside your pocket...
when are you going to realise that cops usually aren't there when you need them? criminals that make a habbit if doing their thing around cops usually don't last long...
Mikael Grizzly said:
EDIT: Wait... .50 caliber sniper rifles are available for purchase in the United States?
sure. why wouldn't they be?
a 9x19mm FMJ from a Glock pistol penetrates walls better than a 5.56x45mm FMJ from an M16. that's no bullshit.
and any person with decent firearms training can fire easily up to 50m with a pistol. it pretty much never happens irl however, because at that range, you usually don't need to defend yourself in such a way.
McGunnin said:
I like a lot of European's but man, it is unbelievable how brain washed they have become.
dont generalise...
cronicler said:
DB, MG you need to remember the little fact that most of Europe is safe if we are to go by generic US standarts. Yes you might still be mugged /ganged upon if you are sleeping on your feet but for the most part you can just go low-threat mode while you are in the country-side. And speaking as a Euro-Rail(er) i (and my 2 pals) had less time spent camping out in the street than being invited to someones spare room just with a 35 cl of raki (a fermented Ouzo or Sake like drink made mainly of Anise) Yes you can still hit trouble but i found my trip somewhat safe and the general feeling was trusting...
In US guns are a deterrant. In Central/Western Eu, you dont really need much besides your fists unless you are going solo into every red-light district. (Eastern Eu is more violent i think. havent been to Ex-Iron Curtain except Balkans personally. Dont even make me start on Balkans or Russia...)
as if gunownership revolves solely around concealed carry and protection...
Blakut said:
This is what Wikipedia tells me about murder rates.
do note that these kind of graphs usually also include suicides with weapons.