First time out of the vault

Generally, the way I play fallout is, hoard as many guns as possible.
I sell all melee, unarmed, energy and explosive weapons and most armor to buy more guns and repairs. I have 2 separate containers, one with guns and one with 100% condition guns, and in total I had stored away 1,000,000+ caps worth of these 100% guns (had because I accidentally deleted all my save files)
I was firstly wondering if anyone else does this, guns or others and secondly if anyone else finds that the guns from the gun runners are actually 99% condition
being 99% condition i have to waste ammo shooting them to degrade them to a point that they are repairable and waste parts of other guns and consequently caps to 100% them
I sell all melee, unarmed, energy and explosive weapons and most armor to buy more guns and repairs. I have 2 separate containers, one with guns and one with 100% condition guns, and in total I had stored away 1,000,000+ caps worth of these 100% guns (had because I accidentally deleted all my save files)
I was firstly wondering if anyone else does this, guns or others and secondly if anyone else finds that the guns from the gun runners are actually 99% condition
being 99% condition i have to waste ammo shooting them to degrade them to a point that they are repairable and waste parts of other guns and consequently caps to 100% them