Ahem, the law is there for a reason, you know. It's there to prevent you from doing things you shouldn't do. If you're threatened, then yes, you should be allowed to shoot them, but only in a proportional response. It may be your home, but you do not and should not have unlimited means to defend it. Shooting someone through the head because he stole some money, for instance, is a completely unproportianate response(note that I'm not saying that you would do such a thing).Sander, like I said, it's my home. Who are you to say how I should defend it? And, yeah, hello, I'm not going to shoot the next moron who comes in accidentally or something, but if someone intends me or my family harm, or to take away from me or my family, then I will waste them, they should know better. So don't tell me I shouldn't kill them. If they decide to run after they see me with my gun, or even see me or someone else in the house not assisting them, then I will let them, but I'll fire a few shots at him anyway. It's my home, and you can't say how I should defend it.
Could you pleae read it again then? Because I've also said from the beginning of this thread that you should be allowed to have a hand-gun to defend yourself.Secondly, I read every post in this topic, but since I haven't read the past ones in a while, I forgot some of them, so, sorry. But I stated the same thing awhile back too, saying we need to restrict some guns and those who can own them. All I need for home protection is just a handgun, not an AK rifle or something. I may collect them (rifles and such), but if they were to be made illegal, I would give them up, hoping for some money back, but I would still give them up. But I wouldn't give up my tool to defend my home. Sure I could use a knife, but my chances of being killed or injured, or my family's chance, are much higher.

Are you implying that we should ban books and ideas as well?? I certainly hope not...Thirdly, drugs can affect the way you think you know. The gun is the tool, the drug is the influence. Like people said, it's the influence that in almost all cases, causes the crimes. Drugs, books, ideas, all influences.
And it also strongly depends on the type of drug-but lets not cotinue that here. I'm going to have to make a new thread about drugs in general, though....just found out about something interesting.
Your point being? It's the most convenient tool for a criminal...Also, a gun is not the only tool at the criminal's disposal you know?