Guns or Energy Weapons


First time out of the vault
I couldn't find a topic that pertained to this subject in particular and I was curious what everyone thinks. Excluding how stupidly over powered the Alien Blaster is in comparison to pretty much any gun in them game. And is there a particular type of energy weapon type or Guns type you think helps dominate the field then please post your thoughts!

Like personally I have a preference to guns and energy weapons. Mostly "Cowboy" guns like lever action rifles/shotgun and revolvers while for energy weapons I love Lasers. The Cowboy thing is because hey Clint Eastwood is awesome, plus they have fairly good damage! And energy weapons is for classic Sci-fi like Star Trek or Star wars. Always good to play into nostalgia while having fun in a game right?
I've done a couple of EW-only games. Since the early patch that bumped up the damage of energy weapons, I think they're pretty cool. The recharger weapons are a neat idea (and the pistol usually becomes my "Running around" weapon). The ability to create over charged and max charged ammo is pretty cool to me as well. I really like the laser commander and meltdown perks as well. Late in the game, I generally still use a scoped laser rifle with max charge ammo to snipe most human enemies.

But usually, when I play the game, I stick to guns, because they're more readily available, and there's a bit more variety in the ammo subtypes. More modifications available in the game for guns as well.
Overall, guns have the advantage over energy weapons in New Vegas. They seem to have more stopping power. One of the things they have been attempting to do in the patches is rebalance them. The more advanced, larger energy weapons, like gattling lasers, seem to cut things to pieces pretty fast. But you won't find them early in the game and their ammo is a little harder to come by.
I have been discussing this topic with friends.

We agreed that Energy Weapons may be more common in certain circumstances... If fission batteries dont run out of power (or whatever is in those nuclear exploding cars for engines),
there could be a huge advantage for energy weapons, its much easier to refill an energy cell, MF cell, Electron charge pack etc. from a power source than it is to find gun powder, lead, primers and usable brass needed to make or reload bullets.

Of course, guns are cool, but it seems to me that black powder cap and ball, flint lock other forms of muzzle loaders would be very common and bullets for cartridge firing guns may be less common than in the FO games.
Guns were disgustingly overpowered in the vanilla release, particularly anything with hand load rounds. Rebalancing efforts have been fairly successful though and I don't think either category is really overpowered, yes that includes the alien blaster which imo is no more overpowered than the fat man due to limited ammo supply.
My problem with EW in NV is you only have one way to play: high luck + finesse + better criticals + a lot of EW perks.
And that's it.

With guns you can play in manny ways, from a high luck build with better criticals to a heavy weapons user that rely in raw weapon power without better criticals and with low luck (you don't need those for using Miniguns, LMGs and .45 SMGs)
Or a middle of the road, like a cowboy or grunt, some weapons with good criticals and some with normal criticals, so a 6 luck is OK.
brfritos said:
My problem with EW in NV is you only have one way to play: high luck + finesse + better criticals + a lot of EW perks.
And that's it.

With guns you can play in manny ways, from a high luck build with better criticals to a heavy weapons user that rely in raw weapon power without better criticals and with low luck (you don't need those for using Miniguns, LMGs and .45 SMGs)
Or a middle of the road, like a cowboy or grunt, some weapons with good criticals and some with normal criticals, so a 6 luck is OK.

This is strictly not true.

EW have great weapons with bad critical multipliers, like the laser RCW and gatling laser. Other great energy weapons like the recharger pistol, laser rifle, holorifle, plasma defender and LAER also perform just fine without relying on a critical hit maxing build. Crit builds are powerful, sure, but they're powerful both for guns and EW. As for perks, EW perform fine without any supporting perks at all so I'm not sure what you're on about. Most of the EW-related perks are situational and neither Laser Commander, Vigilant Recycler, Plasma Spaz or Meltdown are necessary for an effective build.
James Snowscoran said:
EW have great weapons with bad critical multipliers, like the laser RCW and gatling laser. Other great energy weapons like the recharger pistol, laser rifle, holorifle, plasma defender and LAER also perform just fine without relying on a critical hit maxing build.

I disagree partially. If you don't like plasma weapons or the holorifle going for criticals is pretty much the only way to go in the vanilla game. The RCW and Laser Gatling are great, but unlike with Guns I don't think you could go the whole game just with automatic EW, it would be boring.

As for perks, EW perform fine without any supporting perks at all so I'm not sure what you're on about. Most of the EW-related perks are situational and neither Laser Commander, Vigilant Recycler, Plasma Spaz or Meltdown are necessary for an effective build.

See above. Laser Commander is a must if you don't like plasma. And Vigilant Recycler is very, very, very useful, especially when you have to start using Max/Over Charge ammo on a regular basis. I agree on Plasma Spaz and Meltdown.
Admittedly I usually go for a crit build, but I go for crit builds with guns too. I know the laser rifle has a lot of fans around here but these days it's just a stopgap weapon before the holorifle imo. That leaves the rapid fire lasers and pew pew for the laser commander perk- hence why I find laser commander a bit situational. It's certainly got a place at some point in any good EW build, but then you could say the same thing for hand loader.

Won't argue that vigilant recycler isn't useful, I don't find it all that necessary myself though as I prefer to use the recharger pistol a lot, which means I have a lot of spare ammo. Never really found it a problem without the recharger either though.
Yea Plasma Spaz + Math Wrath equals rape. Someone told me their calculation during the latest patch that with all the Ap you could possibly get with jet and such that he could get the Plasma defender to vats it's entire clip and reload for one more shot. Not sure it is possible, but he rarely lies so I am slightly incline to believe him. But what kinda Types of guns do you like! or is it just all in general?
I'm an EW guy. I've only got a luck of 5 as well, and I've never had much of a problem at all throughout the play through. Honestly, I use the Q-35 matter modulator most of the time, occasionally break out the holorifle, and if I'm really in a jam I can just fall back on a good ol Plasma Caster.
James Snowscoran said:
Admittedly I usually go for a crit build, but I go for crit builds with guns too. I know the laser rifle has a lot of fans around here but these days it's just a stopgap weapon before the holorifle imo. That leaves the rapid fire lasers and pew pew for the laser commander perk- hence why I find laser commander a bit situational.

Nah, as a multipurpose weapon the beam-splitted Laser Rifle (not the tri-beam) can do massive damage. With a crit-build you can expect a critical with almost every shot, add Laser Commander, Better Criticals and the other mods and you'll end with a weapon that eclipse the Pew Pew (sneak crits aside).

And if you count the DLCs the Laser Commander perk affects the LAER too. :)

Yea Plasma Spaz + Math Wrath equals rape. Someone told me their calculation during the latest patch that with all the Ap you could possibly get with jet and such that he could get the Plasma defender to vats it's entire clip and reload for one more shot. Not sure it is possible, but he rarely lies so I am slightly incline to believe him.

It's perfectly possible.

10 AGI: 95 AP
Kamikaze: +10 AP
Action Boy: +30 AP
Jet: +15 AP
Rocket: +30 AP
Fast Shot: -20% AP cost
Plasma Spaz: -20% AP cost
Math Wrath: -10% AP cost

With this you can shoot 18 times with the Plasma Defender (clip has 16 shots).

But what kinda Types of guns do you like! or is it just all in general?

I always liked "old" guns and rifles. My weapons of choice are revolvers, lever action rifles and This Machine. With Hand Loader ammo the unique Cowboy Repeater is a beast.
I usually go for Guns because I hate seeing goo piles all over the place and EW lacks a silenced weapon. That and as others have mentioned, Guns offers a much larger variety of weaponry, which imo, lends for more stylized roleplaying experiences; my EW characters are always brainiacs.

But if i gotta choose, then guns.

EDIT: The whirlingdervish and pony user, i'm reallly getting to you am i? :lol:

Talking about trolled into trollhood :lol:
:::SILUS::: said:

But if i gotta choose, then guns.

EDIT: The whirlingdervish and pony user, i'm reallly getting to you am i? :lol:

Talking about trolled into trollhood :lol:

This seems oddly appropriate brah

also I'm all about love and toleration so no hatin~
I'm not the one constantly referring to you two in every thread :lol:. Therefore, trolled into trollhood is quite the right term.

So, sorry for da fail brah.