Guns or Energy Weapons

If the :::crossbows::: thread had been a giant troll it would've been a massive success brah. I don't really think you're smart enough for anything like that though.

But yeah, clearly I'm :somad: and epicfail etc. herp derp~
James Snowscoran said:
If the :::crossbows::: thread had been a giant troll it would've been a massive success brah. I don't really think you're smart enough for anything like that though.

But yeah, clearly I'm :somad: and epicfail etc. herp derp~

And yet in every thread there is a random Silus reference from both you and the dervish poster. 8-)
Well it's just this was about energy weapons or guns. o.o not really other weapon types. I mean you if given the option of heads or tails you don't call it."On it's side!"
Yeah, the cross-thread debate on crossbows is becoming painful at best now. Anyway, on topic, I prefer Energy Weapons, as in my mind feel more fun, and I love the wonders and SCIENCE! so I found it cool to play as an energy weapons guy. But on the other hand, Guns are cool as they have loads of ammo sub-types and each weapon has a large amount of weapon mods to apply your own twist to your favourite gun.
there are so many with so much ammo, Im glad they added the different variations of identicle calibers and all the perks you can get.
in my opinion FONV needs more guns, maybe double, triple?
Maybe I need to try the plasma defender and multiplas and plasma cannon, but otherwise, most of the energy weapons in this game are just kinda bleh to me. Probably cause they all look like shit.
:::SILUS::: said:
Old Man Vee said:
No guns will ever be better than this.

Goddamnit, if only they cared enough to make an ammo backpack. :evil:
For the Plasma Caster?
Hassknecht said:
For the Plasma Caster?

Because it would be really hard to make it fit on Courier's back. It's the same with the incinerator, they could have at least make some kind of ammo backpack instead of just having it disappear midair. It's good they at least made one for minigun and gatling laser. For me, it really kills the appeal of using a certain weapon as an RPG element if you can't see it 50% of the time.
:::SILUS::: said:
Because it would be really hard to make it fit on Courier's back. It's the same with the incinerator, they could have at least make some kind of ammo backpack instead of just having it disappear midair. It's good they at least made one for minigun and gatling laser. For me, it really kills the appeal of using a certain weapon as an RPG element if you can't see it 50% of the time.

Same, like it could have been on a sling over the shoulder to it kind of rests at your side when your not using it; like it would be in real life.
Because in real life dudes generally carry around giant fucking machineguns and flamethrowers and shit like that.
Wintermind said:
Because in real life dudes generally carry around giant fucking machineguns and flamethrowers and shit like that.

Check old WW2 films. Dudes carrying flamethrowers FTW.

Of course, nowadays we have bombs and stuff for that, instead of carrying around a huge backpack full of HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE AND FLAMMABLE NAPALM ON OUR BACKS JUST WAITING TO BE SHOT...
Wintermind said:
Because in real life dudes generally carry around giant fucking machineguns and flamethrowers and shit like that.
I would! :mrgreen: not the flamethrower of course, I mean machinegun. But on topic EW because of Perks like Laser Commander & Meltdown that deals extra damage to not only the pre-patched Deathclaw,but hopfully sofen up the Deathclaw BEHIND THE FIRST
Oh yeah, gatling laser firing MC cells turns everything into dust... only thing better is a melee sneak attack crit to a deathclaws behind :P
VaultWannabe said:
Oh yeah, gatling laser firing MC cells turns everything into dust... only thing better is a melee sneak attack crit to a deathclaws behind :P
Why would you want to go near a Deathclaws behind? :P