Jenx said:
Diablo 1:
Gameplay - tuned down real-time combat version of a roguelike.
Setting - Well, dark fantasy. Not exactly original or anything.
This is one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard. Talking like this, ANY game can be made to seem boring and pointless. No game is ever revolutionary with the Snarky Forum Metric of Comparisons.
Dune 2- only a real-time combat version of a wargame.
Baldur's Gate- only a real-time pausable combat version of an old Gold Box D&D game.
Half-Life- a totally standard FPS with some scripted events.
The transition from Roguelike to Diablo is HUGE, compareable to the difference between Herzog Zwei and Dune 2 or Eyetoy motion sensing games and Wii Sports. Diablo was revolutionary. It defined the aRPG genre.
Jenx said:
Seems like you haven't, since Nethack was much more of a starting point for Diablo than an end-goal, just as Tolkien was a starting point for Warhammer and not an end goal.
Stop being hypocritical. If Diablo doesn't hold up to your standard of revolutionary, then there are like, 2 revolutionary games in history, and Fallout isn't one of them.
Jenx said:
Warcraft 1-2:
Gameplay - Normal RTS. Make buildings, make units - go kill. Dune 2 already did it.
Setting - ...Fantasy. That's all. Elves, orcs, goblins, dwarfs - nothing special.
No Dune 2 didn't already do it, Herzog Zwei did it. Oh wait Herzog Zwei didn't do it, old wargames did it. Oh wait old wargames didn't do it, board games did it.
Warcraft 2 introduced naval combat, spellcasters, multiple resources, internet multiplayer, fog of war. If you followed the RTS genre at all isntead of making snarky comments, these were all huge advances in the genre, especially fog of war (a defining feature of RTS now, its impossible without it).
Starcraft introduced three completely assymetrical yet balanced races, a compelling narrative (first for RTS) and is still the pinnacle of competitive RTS gaming in
2008. It has the largest pro circuit and prize money pool and television viewership and attendance records of any video game, ever.
Also the setting of Starcraft was far more inspired by Aliens and Starship troopers than it was by Warhammer, further cementing your total lack of knowledge on any of this. The terrran-protoss-zerg triumvirate is based off of the humans-predators-aliens triumvirate. Some of the units give Aliens quotes when you click on them ("In the pipe, five by five"). The zerg were also inspired by Starship troopers.