Haiti's Future?

Let's see how many times did we intervene in Haiti last century?

Hmmmm... Maybe military solution isn't the answer?

I say colonize it and make it a new tropical beach spot. Hedonism 3. Or use Haiti as the new destination spot for Guantanimo prisoners.
You are such an imperialist, PS.

Here I am, old guy democrat, thinking sex orgies

and you, teenage republican, thinking toxic waste site.

This is the problem in our country.

That's the issue- what do you want.

Sex Orgies
Toxic Waste?
I know this is going to sound racist, but mabye if the Hatian-American organizations stopped bitching about Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and got their priorties straight, things wouldn't be like this.
I think the US should change its gunnery range from that area in Puerto Rico to Haiti. The entire island is proably within shore bombardment range.

Or we just get Dubya and his Skull brothers to cast some voodoo on them.

Or we establish a permanent military presence there so the next time they act up (give em 10 years) this answer is easy.

Or we claim they have WMD and invade.

Geez I'm a cynic today.
I think the Bush is going to Congress claiming that invasion is necessary because the Haitians have VMD (Voodoo of Mass Destruction). Not to be confused with VD of mass destruction.
Paladin Solo said:
Depends on what kind of orgies?
How bout a compromise? Sex orgies IN toxic waste. Sure you get radiation poisoning, but there’s a chance your dick might mutate and grow.

As for Haiti, I saw some US official on CNN say "We will not recognise any government that come to power through violence" When asked about Haiti. I wanted to be there when he said it, just so I could say "Well, then, I guess the American Government doesn't recognise itself then either you hypocrite?"

Hypocrites piss me off.
Paladin Solo said:
Depends on what kind of orgies?

ID please!, sorry kid, nthing to see move along. :P

How about staying out of it, like welsh said military and haiti doesn't mix. Once you are there, thery stop fighting between themselves to fight you.
Or as they said in 'Nam : kill 'em all, let god sort 'em out later.
I think the rate at which this thread has diverged shows the level of concern and care we all have for the country of Haiti. No, I did not bother to read the link either.

And stop posting your picture, calculon.
Sorry Daemon Spawn and you're right, we have let this thread shift.

As I see it, the US has a long history of intervention into Haiti, and often it comes down to the same thing. One tyrant takes over from the next, becomes a predatory ruler, maxes out his profit and runs for it.

In Aristide is little different except he was democratically elected and finally put into office with the help of the US military. But since then, he's been pretty much on his own, and in the process the country is going to shit. The answer is not military, but socio-economic. The country is a mess.

But because it's a mess, we have a refugee problem, that's been going for awhile, of Haitian refugees coming to Florida. We have danger in causing problems in the Dominican Republic. It is unstable. Either it gets fixed or we will have to intervene again.

It is unlikely Haiti could take care of itself. It is also unlikely the US will intervene to stay (no oil and thus little strategic importance except to keep it from spoiling the rest of the region). It's tragic, but the US will do stop gap measures. Intervene when they have to, provide short-term first aid, then leave while the infections in Haiti fester and the country once again starts to bleed.

If you are curious about this, there have been several good discussion on Haiti. One recent work was done by Robert Fatton, a Haitian, Haiti's predatory republic : the unending transition to democracy, fairly new.
more here-

Gangs of pro-Aristide thugs were supporting the police against the rebels. In Cap-Haïtien, the second city, these militias were reported to have driven off an attempt by rebels to seize a suburb. They shot at least two opposition leaders and set fire to a dozen houses.

Despite such dubious victories, Mr Aristide still seems to face the slow but steady collapse of his rule. If it remains in rebel hands, Gonaïves would be a big loss. It is strategically located on the main road between Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haïtien. “We shall work to form a Republic of the Great North,” said Winter Etienne, the city's self-appointed new mayor, recalling the independence struggle when Haiti was divided between rival kingdoms. That would cut the capital off from the Artibonite Valley, Haiti's most fertile rice-producing region. The World Food Programme, which has its main distribution point in Gonaïves, has given warning that the violence is disrupting its efforts to get food to the poorest rural areas.

Officials recognise that they underestimated the rebels. They now plan to lay siege to Gonaïves. But Haiti, with a population of 7.5m, has no more than 5,000 police, most of them poorly equipped. The army was disbanded in 1994, when American troops invaded to restore Mr Aristide to power, reversing a 1991 military coup. The police alone cannot re-establish order, says Yvon Neptune, the prime minister.

Mr Aristide also seems to have underestimated the groundswell of anti-government feeling. This stems from a dispute over alleged fraud in legislative elections in 2000, which led to the opposition boycotting the presidential poll. Discontent is amplified by corruption and economic stagnation. Some 80% of Haitians live in poverty, and few have proper jobs.

Many of those who now oppose the president are former members of the grassroots Organisations Populaires (OP), who first swept the former slum priest and his Lavalas (Cleansing) movement to power in 1990. Many unions and peasant groups that belonged to the OP have turned against Mr Aristide, and are calling for his resignation.

The danger now is that violent confrontation turns to civil war. In Port-au-Prince rival gangs have staged dozens of killings in recent months. In the Cité Soleil slum, another five bodies showed up at the weekend, reportedly former Aristide loyalists who had changed sides. Some of the killers, too, are no longer loyal. Some of the leaders of the “resistance” are former members of the so-called Cannibal Army of enforcers who were armed by the government. They turned against it after the murder last September of their leader, Amiot Metayer, an OP activist. “We consider Aristide to be like a wolf who devours his children,” said Butheur Metayer, the dead man's brother, who has appointed himself police chief in Gonaïves.

The opposition Democratic Platform, made up of political parties, students, civic and business groups, has condemned the violence. But has it made a tacit alliance with the gunmen to remove Mr Aristide? Caribbean leaders who last month began an effort to mediate were due to hold talks with both sides to try to find a way to stop the violence. They will need to act fast.
welsh said:
It is unlikely Haiti could take care of itself. It is also unlikely the US will intervene to stay (no oil and thus little strategic importance except to keep it from spoiling the rest of the region). It's tragic, but the US will do stop gap measures. Intervene when they have to, provide short-term first aid, then leave while the infections in Haiti fester and the country once again starts to bleed.

Agree with this 100%. the same cycle will repeat again and again. It happens in many former colonies, just take a look at africa! This what happens when you have imperialists taking over nations. I wish the UN had more power, maybe then we could be able to 'settle' such disputes once and for all.

EDIt-Welsh here. MVD- I deleted your double post.
Belial, if you don't stop doing this, you will be banned. It is spamming, it is stupid, it is off-topic, it's against the rules of the game(IIRC), and it's annoying. Stop posting it.
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