halloween on the lord's day

Halloween on the Lord's Day

  • Sinful- oh curses you heathens! To Hell with you all!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bah- Fuckin Americans will find an excuse for commercialism every time.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Do you have a problem with Halloween being on Sunday? Apparently some religious folks are saying it's a corruption of a day that is supposed to be kept holy for God.

Personally I say, "Fuck ya all, let the kids have some fun you hypocritical dicks."

But that's just me being biased.
Why not an option for "Don't be bloody stupid, it happens every 7 years"?
Does anybory really care?

Let the Chick brigade spout off. I'm not listening to them.
There used to be a household in my neighborhood that would put a sign on their door ever year explaining how Halloween is a pagan holiday and as proper Christians they refuse to celebrate it. The sign would go on to urge everyone to give up the holiday.

I feel sorry for their children.
Kotario said:
There used to be a household in my neighborhood that would put a sign on their door ever year explaining how Halloween is a pagan holiday and as proper Christians they refuse to celebrate it. The sign would go on to urge everyone to give up the holiday.

All Christian holidays are of either Jewish or Pagan holidays. Full of shit.

I won't be doing anything, then again, I won't be doing anything because I'm an antisocial teenager with a passing resembelance to Jabba the Hutt, maybe that's the reason.
Just a bad coincidence.

Im sure the Churchgoers can ignore the trick-or-treater's and vice-versa. Its not like when a full moon fell on Halloween. That was creepy...

The Vault Dweller
I don't care myself. I have an excuse to get all decked out in my paintball gear. Mmm, camo's snazzy!
Hehe, yep. I actually might stop by a Halloween party at a Presbyterian church. That's something that doesn't make sense.
Halloween is cool. Paganism is cool.

What more is cool is the soundtrack of Nightmares before Christmas. Oogie Boogies Song is my personal favourite.
My English teacher is from, uh, Alabama? Arkansas? Alaska? Something that starts with A and has a lot of lettuce growing inside, anyway. Do they have lettuce in Alaska? This Friday she commented on how happy she was to be here, not having to celebrate Halloween.

For that, I am willing to overlook that she likes Vin Diesel and country music.
Halloween rules.

I'm going to watch The Omen, after I pry myself away from GTA: San Andreas.
How... stupid. Why does anybody even listen to these fundamentalist whackos? Just ignore them and they'll shut up. Posting online polls about the subject just gives weight to their insignificant ranting.
It should be illegal for Halloween to be on a Sunday. Or on any other day where you have to wake up the next day. I hated waking up the day after Halloween to go to school. Other than that reason, it shouldn't matter.