Handmade Weapons Mod for F2

what animations did you use for the crosbow andspear gun? weapons?
crossbow looks like rifle on character animations and on the ground.
Projectile is like plant spike, sound like throwing knife (AFAIR)
Ammo is new item - bolts

And you CAN'T take it after shooting from dead bodies and CAN'T poison it.
It's a pity there are no crossbows in original Fallout. I've always felt it was logical to have this kind of weapons. Especially among tribals who don't seem to have access to guns and ammo.

I even thought about making a new set of weapons' animations for crossbows and the like. But that was before I realised the amount of work it would take. :wink:
There was some work on the crossbow animation made by wild quwerty a long time ago for the jumpsuit, but I dont remember how much work was done...I don't know if someone still has the files for it.

I like the new graphic btw, I think i will use the sniper rifle... But I prefer the zip gun I saw in your deviant art page over the one you uploaded in the mod :D
But I prefer the zip gun I saw in your deviant art page over the one you uploaded in the mod

This one?

Probably I will use it in next versions.
Also, I want to add there Mr.Fixit mod to allow player to create this items.
Also, I'm thinking about adding 14 mm rifle.
It can be created by player using Mr.fixit mod from 14 mm pistol, stock and long barrel.
It will be something like elefant rifle.
It will be powerful weapon for middle ranges.
Probably, with stun/knockdown effect.
Good idea - the 14mm ammo could use some more use ;-)

If you want to make it a powerful gun, would it have 6AP/shot like the sniper rifle, or the regular 5AP?
Ardent said:
Good idea - the 14mm ammo could use some more use ;-)

If you want to make it a powerful gun, would it have 6AP/shot like the sniper rifle, or the regular 5AP?
6 bullets in magazine.
weird postnuclearpunk - looking.