Hands-on impressions of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s vapour trail

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is doing its best to quell any rumours of its vaporware status. In fact, GameSpot UK goes as far as to say "GSC Game World's long-awaited PC shooter is nearing completion." Some of their impressions:<blockquote>As well as implementing brand-new technology in S.T.A.L.K.E.R., the developers have had time to implement a branching storyline that has seven different endings. The team talks about five of these being "false," while two of them are "true." Predictably, you'll have to put in the work to see one of the better endings, as S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s open-ended, do-anything structure lets you choose how involved you want to be in the game. If you decide to take part in the secondary goals and help those in need, you'll earn one of the better finales, which the makers claim will take 40 to 60 hours to achieve. Other considerations, such as how much you trade and who you decide to kill, will also affect the game's conclusion. While you won't be able to continue the game after completion, the team expects that you will want to go back through a number of times.


Although S.T.A.L.K.E.R. appears to be a traditional first-person shooter, there's a role-playing element to managing your inventory. You're limited in the amount of equipment you can carry by weight, so you have to balance the guns and ammo you take with you. You can swap weapons with those from fallen enemies, and we soon found weapons that suited our individual playing style based on their ranges and firing spread. Likewise, although carrying stronger armor will prove useful against enemy attacks, it's heavier and takes up more room in your inventory. As you travel around the zone, there's plenty to scavenge, as well as buy from traders, so you'll be able to experiment with a variety of combinations as you play.</blockquote>That's not sounding too good on RPG elements there. GameSpot also notes that "[w]hile S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is big on ideas, it currently looks a little dated when compared to its next-generation contemporaries."

Link: Hands-on impressions of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. on GameSpot

Spotted on DaC
Kharn said:
GameSpot also notes that "[w]hile S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is big on ideas, it currently looks a little dated when compared to its next-generation contemporaries."

As long as "big on ideas" is a good thing neat graphic becomes a bonus.
I agree in not really caring about whether or not its up to speed graphic-wise if it has some good ideas to execute.

However, it's clearly cut down its "RPG elements" to inventory management, which is just non-existent, making it a basic shooter. And a rushed shooter at that. A rushed, thus buggy, shooter with outdated graphics....that was hyped 2 years ago, but not now.

Does that have "hit" written all over it? I don't think so.
Why doesn't that sound good on the RPG part?

Seems more open ended then the RPG's released recently.
I wasn't necessarily talking about the storyline. 7 endings of which 2 are defined "good" is not bad, though not shockingly good either.

I was talking about the fact that the hands-on reviewer talks about the fact that you have to manage your inventory as a cRPG element. Bid of weakness, we call that in the Netherlands.
Well he says next to nothing about quests themselves and only a bit about actions and consequences which are the meat and potatoes of the RPG experience. Now, I'm not any more optimistic about STALKER after reading that but neither am I any more pessimistic about it.

EDIT: Which isn't actually saying much since I've pretty much given up on it.
I always tell people that RPGs are a lot harder to make than *any* other type of game. But do they listen? No!

I guess the STALKER people learned it the hard way.
I'm more interested in how there are "false" and "true" endings. Could it mean that two endings are supposed to be canonical?

Or it could just be that they're Russians.
yeah, it seems like it starts to sound like deus ex clone ... but then i suppose for a shooter deux ex wasnt a bad game ;)
It has a couple of core CRPG elements in there (such as you being allowed some freedom to choose your own path through the game) but no where near enough to be called a CRPG. It depends on how much they managed to salvage from the version of the game that went a bit tits up prior to STALKERS media blackout, if they've had to re-code the entire game play side of things in just over a year, inclusive of play-testing and balancing, I'm not sure how good this game will be. Short of starting again with a completely new Engine they can't really delay it anymore than they already have either. I'm not overly concerned with graphics, but in this day and age I don't want a total dog either.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R., the developers have had time


to implement a branching storyline that has seven different endings.

Not bad. Nothing compared to the cartesian product of Fallout's but not bad compared to Might and Magic series.