Happy New Year :D

Yay, future is here! Kind of...

Time Weights For No One!

Time Weights For No One!

It's past 2300 hours Local Weighs And Means Time, and I trust that I'm not too early in wishing you all a Happy-Happy January 2nd!

Those on Atomic Clock Time, is it too late to form up in columns and Carpe Diem, 'Cesium' the Day?

Then off into Tomorrow! Tomorrow! And Tomorrow!

One of my drams of resolution imbibed this doled allotment was to view something book marked about focus groups.

No longer a 'citizen'. The weight and measure of the consumer is now in units of desire, the politics of 'Life Style Values".

Been dodging these marketers for a generation, they can track my mouse clicks, but I shall never divulge the true state of my 'union's', ... hanging free, boxers, or tight-e white-es!

In brief, the only poll I recognize is the ceremonial booth on the due duel allotted first Tuesday!

NMA, March on into Tomorrow! :salute:
