Hardcore Character


First time out of the vault
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to ask your opinion on this new hardcore character I'm looking to run through Fallout 2 before I get to far into it.

ST: 05
PE: 08
EN: 05
CH: 06
IN: 10
AG: 10
LK: 04

Traits: Gifted and Small Frame

Tags: Small Guns, Lockpick, and Steal

Mods/Patches: Updated to latest Official Patch. A world map mod that increases encounter rates on faster computers.

I'm playing by the rule that I won't reload unless the computer crashes or I'm done for the day and pick up later on where I left off. Getting caught stealing, carrying a gun in town, etc..I live with the result of those actions.

I think the stats are okay, I'm alittle worried about the low Endurance and Luck however. I usually play someone who is more gun heavy (ie fighting/sniping) but I plan on doing some stealing in the early game and I want to make sure I don't get caught. Normally I'd replace steal with speech.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what skills I might tag instead? I was thinking maybe Outdoorsman or perhaps Barter. Given my small frame I can't carry as much and if an NPC dies I'll have to collect all their belongings as well and I may not have the ability to do so. So exchanging for cash through barter might be a better option.

I'm planning on getting the Awarness perk first off but I'm not sure what others to get given this is a hardcore game (my first).

Also, if I can keep them alive, I was planning on taking Sulik, Vic, and Cassidy as my three NPCs. If one dies, perhaps pick up Lenny, at least he has the Doctor skill that would help out in a pinch..any thoughts?

I know there have been some other posts made in regards to Hardcore games (I did a search) but they were old and I didn't want to go digging up old threads to ask these questions. I thought it just simplier to make a new one.

Anways, thanks for any input you can give...
I'd drop 2 IN and 2 CH to raise LK to 8. You probably won't want/need/have more than 2 NPCs at a time if you have to worry about them getting killed, and LK 10 will have a much greater benefit than IN 10 once you get Sniper.
Per said:
I'd drop 2 IN and 2 CH to raise LK to 8. You probably won't want/need/have more than 2 NPCs at a time if you have to worry about them getting killed, and LK 10 will have a much greater benefit than IN 10 once you get Sniper.

Not to mention the possibility of the chip and perk to raise it to ten anyways.
Per said:
I'd drop 2 IN and 2 CH to raise LK to 8.

I'd drop a point of EN and IN each, and 2 CH instead. An odd EN value really doesn't help much, with 4 you can still get Lifegiver and you'd need 6 for Toughness anyway.

Use Magnetic Personality if you want more than 2 NPCs

Potentially, you could consider giving up a point of ST or two to compensate for the IN and skill point loss, I alway like to have my characters well-trained.
Pfff... That's not a hardcore character.
A half-orc with the "Raised in the Pits" background, that's a hardcore character. Or an elf with the "Only Child" background.

Oh, and I wouldn't tag Pickpocket, if I were you. If you're going to create a Gunslinger, stick with your Pick Locks skill and put a point in Throwing and one in Explosives. Them Molotov Cocktails will make your life a whole lot easier. Trust me.

Thanks everyone for the replies. So after some stat switching I end up with something closer to the following then...

ST: 05
PE: 08
EN: 04
CH: 04
IN: 09
AG: 10
LK: 08

Basically -1 EN, -2 CH, and -1 IN to gain +4 LK

Thank you all for the input, I'll try it out now and see how it goes.

Be well and keep safe,