Have you ever seen...

Dark rooms are fantastic things. Beyond that you can create most of these in camera with long exposure or a little fiddling in the dark room.

With cameras there are a lot of things that can give you wonky shit and random lightspots.

That said, I do believe in ghosts. Somewhat....

You know what, I'm gona go create a ghost of myself, 'cause I've never done it before and it seems like fun.

I don't believe or disbelieve in ghosts, but something I never find particularly convincing is photographic evidence. Seen one too many Discovery pieces on how they are either doctored or accidentally made.

Never met one m'self, so that narrows down the reasons to believe it all.


That clock in the background reads exactly 8:32 btw ^,,^

That was all in camera. I set my exposure to 20" (20 seconds) and my fstop at... I can't remember and I'm too lazy to look at the meta data.

I let it expose for 10 seconds before I sat in the chair, then I sat in the chair for 3 seconds, then got out of view for the rest of the time.
No sir, I don't.

I'm an atheist, and believe that once we die, we are simply dead. Being dead is much like what it was like before you were born... nothingness.
Those pictures of the reservoir monster are much more interesting.

Even though it's probably just a log and some dead leaves.

Also, what the hell is that on Ah-Teen's head?
No sir, I don't.

I'm an atheist, and believe that once we die, we are simply dead. Being dead is much like what it was like before you were born... nothingness.

Same here... :crazy:
Blakut said:
No sir, I don't.

I'm an atheist, and believe that once we die, we are simply dead. Being dead is much like what it was like before you were born... nothingness.

Same here... :crazy:

Me three... Then again, it does not stop me from creating creepy ghost like things for my drunk roommates to come home to late at night.


The real doozy is when I wake up in the morning and end up being startled when walking past my own creation from the previous night.
Wow... there are alot of interesting views...
Personaly? Yeah, I do... One: I'm a Druid, and things like that are kinda in how I see the world. And two: I'm from Arizona, we have spirit orbs out there as big as ball-lightning, Spectres, and things even I really can't explain. But some of the things I have seen... I've scared people with my stories before.

(And yes I have resarched the science factors of paranormal phenomina as well as having resarched the Arcane explinations)
rcorporon said:
No sir, I don't.

I'm an atheist, and believe that once we die, we are simply dead. Being dead is much like what it was like before you were born... nothingness.
Wow. That's really sad for you. At least I'll be going somewhere after death. Jesus is freakin sweet.
Nightling said:
Wow... there are alot of interesting views...
Personaly? Yeah, I do... One: I'm a Druid, and things like that are kinda in how I see the world. And two: I'm from Arizona, we have spirit orbs out there as big as ball-lightning, Spectres, and things even I really can't explain. But some of the things I have seen... I've scared people with my stories before.

(And yes I have resarched the science factors of paranormal phenomina as well as having resarched the Arcane explinations)

Once you can call yourself a Druid with a straight face (and foggy eyes) you're bound to see all sorts of crap.

But some of the things I have seen... I've scared people with my stories before.

Oh, please scare me. Are these the "Boo, you're dead" sort of scares? Those are the best.

At least I'll be going somewhere after death.

Wow. That's really sad for you. At least I'll be going somewhere after death. Jesus is freakin sweet.
sad for you, maybe, when you contemplate it. I don't care... i feel just fine.
Once you can call yourself a Druid with a straight face (and foggy eyes) you're bound to see all sorts of crap.[/qoute]
Of course, I have had my deal of intoxications and sleep deprivation but no, I'm talking about seeing and hearing things when I was well rested and sobre. Expiriencing things like this even before I stared my indulgences... that's how I know they are real (or that I'm just really fucked in the head).

Oh, please scare me. Are these the "Boo, you're dead" sort of scares? Those are the best.
No, my stories aren't the "suprise, you're dead" type stories, unfortunately, those are neat.. More of the posters and masks hung on my wall having eyes that move, hunting and being hunted by black energies (creatures that don't reflect light, but neither do they absorb it), watching a man walk across the street about 30 yards away he having legs that buckle backwards like a dog's, hearing screams from an empty room where no tv or radio was in (litterally it was a bed a dresser and a lamp). Hearing whispers in halls when I am the only one in the house (and tape recording it and scaring my friends with it...). But my favorite of all is seeing an true, doppleganger...

But I would supose you are probably going to pass these off as just pipe dreams or an overactive imagination but....
Gentlemen said:
Wow. That's really sad for you. At least I'll be going somewhere after death. Jesus is freakin sweet.

The only Jesus I know works in the Taco Bell in the mall here. Except he pronounces it "Hey-Zeus" and looks like he's about 16 years old.

Other than that, if you enjoy your little book of Fairy Tales (ie: The Bible) and think that it's true, have fun with that.