Hell breakes over in night club


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
This is from Argentina so I guess is my duty to report it.




BBC- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4136625.stm

FOX- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,142992,00.html

CNN- http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/12/31/argentina.fire/index.html

The sites are in english for the legibility in this forum.

There was about 6.000 people in a space for 4.000, and the emergency exits where closed.

There are at least 149 dead and more than 300 wounded.

And I am afraid that my cousin was there too. He was supposed to assist in the sound installation of a recital in a night club, I am not completely sure if it was this one (I really hope not), and I haven't received info of his whereabouts, I'll call him firs hour in the morning, until then I am here worrying.
The US has a lot of that... A couple years ago, a band decided to add their own pyrotechnics. Well, the building wasn't prepared for that, caught on fire, and bam - all gone.
The US has a lot of that...

Except this is the 6th tragedy of its kind in the world, and the third only in night clubs.

Last accounts are: 169 dead 375 wounded.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Except this is the 6th tragedy of its kind in the world, and the third only in night clubs.

Last accounts are: 169 dead 375 wounded.

Your sources must be stupid or drunk. This sort of thing happens all the time.

Hope your cousin's okay, tho'.
There was a They Might Be Giants show where their manager, I believe, ,was breathing fire for Why Does the Sun Shine? which is a most-awesome tune. I think this was right before or after the event MadDog mentioned.
Once at a Metallica concert, pyrotechnics went bad. We had to evacuate. Still not completely sure it actually went bad or if it was a joke, though.
*shakes head* That's pretty damn tragic.

Does anybody remember that shopping mall incident, when the owners ordered the doors to close to keep people from fleeing without paying and consequently left hundreds trapped in a blazing inferno? Didn't that happen in Argentine as well?
Crowd control problems though do happen more than they should. The Who concert where people were trampled to death, there was a night club catering to Latinos in the Bronx that caught fire and a lot of folks got crushed (vague recollection that it was owned by the husband of Kathleen Turner), a few other cases.

Problem here is crowd control and it´s a regular problem that people should be aware that they need to fix it. Problem is that it´s probably not cost effective (in otherwords- the costs of fixing is not worth the lives lost).

I hope your cousin´s ok.
Just to clear things up: I founded, when I called him today, that my cousin is OK, thank god he wasn't there when it happened, some friends of him ended up in the hospital though.

I don't know if I gibe it too much importance to it, but it was the most tragic event of its kind in Buenos Aires, the place where I live. So much for the human disasters.

It is also to remind that when I say the 6th in most important in the world I talk about this kind of accidents, not other things like terrorists attacks (we had two here in Buenos Aires) or natural disasters. The most important happened in a movie theatre in China and more impotent than the one that happened yesterday was the one of the shopping mall.
Just last year a club burned down in my area and a few people died and many were injured...just too many people crammed into one small space with only one exit.

Glad he's ok Lt. Col. Gonzalez.

The Vault Dweller