Hellgate: London updated preview on Gamespot

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Gamespot posted an update on their E3 impressions of Hellgate: London:<blockquote>Hellgate's pedigree alone should get gamers excited, but judging from the Nvidia event, even without its lineage, this looks to be a fast-paced, exciting, gorgeous game. Since the event was mainly for the purposes of showing off hardware, we didn't get many gameplay details. However, we'll definitely keep you up to date with developments as they come along.</blockquote>The preview calls it a "a first-person role-playing game that looks and plays like a shooter". I don't know about you, but I'm getting more and more confused, as some previews emphasize the CRPG element and others more-or-less call it a straight-out shooter. Some clarity would be nice.

Link: HG:L preview on Gamespot
If it looks like a shooter and plays like a shooter, it is a shooter. Let's just face it - Hellgate isn't an RPG, and especially not a post-apocalyptic one.

Why doesn't NMA follow World of Warcraft news? World of Warcraft deserves coverage on the same merit as Hellgate: London - it has "post-apocalyptic" elements (a human kingdom ravaged by the undead Scourge) and is a "CRPG" (it has stats and collectible it4mZ!!1). PA CRPG all the way, people.
Maybe because it's a modern day London destroyed by demons, not a medieval day town destroyed by demons ;) ?
That's what they want you to think, damnit! They are hordes of demon-spawn, Ratty, it is every man's duty to pick up a sawn-off and exterminate their tainted presence from our plane!
I think a peaceful solution is always possible.

MG approaches the deamon:
Cant we talk this over?

Deamon eats MG.
Hellgate: London is like Diablo, an action RPG played from a First Person Perspective and Third Person Perspective. The setting is post-apocalyptic but only in the sense that demons overran the earth and humans (as Templars and other esoteric groups) have to take it back, and take the fight to hell, with guns, swords and other magical implements.

The game is very much an RPG when it comes to shooting monsters, killing things, surviving or what have you, because it's stat based, rather than skill based. There are no hit locations meaning if you shoot at a monster's head it wont do more damage than shooting at its belly and most of the guns rely on your character's "Accuracy" stat. Some guns allow you to accurately pin point an enemy and shoot at him, but those are few and far apart. The majority deal AOE/Radius/Arc/Seeking damage, the accuracy of which is determined by your accuracy stat.