Help making money (bottlecaps) in FO1?

When you enter an area, like Vault 15 or the Raiders camp, scavenge EVERYTHING! Even if you can't carry the weight all at once, collect everything of value on the map and store it in one location or room with several storage options. Unlike FO3 and NV, containers have limits on how much they will hold. Then you can go back and collect more stuff later after you've sold off the first load.
i know i am late, but if u cannot carry much, then just give ur companions some stuff to cary, gather everything, loot everything.
try to barter with every npc u come across and make the best deals, if one Person only has about 6 $ look if u have something to trade in, 2x Nuka cola or heck just give him a damn Radscopion tail, at least u get 6$ for a lot of weight loss.
DON'T sell radscorpion tails. They are only worth 10 caps. You can take them to Razlo, the doctor in Shady Sands. He turns them into poison antidote for free. Poison antidote is worth 50 caps!
DO. Steal, steal, steal, resell for caps (to reduce carry weight). Easiest way to cure scarcity within your own inventory. It will eventually feel like cheating.
Richwizard said:
DON'T sell radscorpion tails. They are only worth 10 caps. You can take them to Razlo, the doctor in Shady Sands. He turns them into poison antidote for free. Poison antidote is worth 50 caps!

but in the middle of nowhere, i would not go back to the shady with everything full... ;D depends where lokated.

If ur high lvl u can go chase some Super Mutants, they have good shit to sell, mid lvl, go kill Raiders (walk around the area) low, just go and kill Ghuls around nekropolis:D

little tip: if u enter a map, press a all the time, so u initiate the fight, if the enemy is to damn strong, walk away, the fight will end. Press a again, before they attak u, so u can run away again.
The Hub caravans recruitments are very good money generators, because you will find some enemies and loot on your way.

I recommend the Water Merchants for starter and when you feel your character is strong enough the Crimson Caravan.
TFian said:
So, I'm curious, any tips on how to make/get more money/bottlecaps in Fallout 1?

I always choose the Steal skill. It's the best way to make money. :wink:
I agree with Brfritos. But to be honest, go for the Crimson Caravan guys. They pay 1200 for a full trip (or 600 for a one-way adventure), and besides, this is a good way to make money and also travel to a specific location, such as when chasing the Water Chip.

In addition, do quests! Some of them pay out a lot of money. Don't forget to scavenge stuff too. Sell off your enemies' weapons.