help me


First time out of the vault
Its a stupid question but I am new here and to the game itself,I never played it so here it is:
-How can I rest without take a room in town?
-I have geko skin perk or whatever is called but how can I skinned the geckos?
I've looked through the manual and some manuals Per have them and are really good it helps a lot but doesnt help me in this.
akybo said:
Its a stupid question but I am new here and to the game itself,I never played it so here it is:
-How can I rest without take a room in town?

This one's answered in the manual. Press Z or the bell button in the Pipboy. If you're so new to the game you haven't yet passed the Temple of Trials, you cannot rest.

akybo said:
-I have geko skin perk or whatever is called but how can I skinned the geckos?

This one's answered in the readme file. When you have the perk, skins appear automatically in slain geckos.
Thx man.About skinned geko perk,doesnt a guy from my village theach me how to skin the gekos?I spoke to a villager and he said he thought me how to skin gekos but when I kill one and try to lot ,no skin appear on it.
No, that happens later on. The perk will appear on your character sheet.
Per or anyone who can help,you said in your guide that Living Anatomy perk is at lvl12 I just riched 12lvl and I dont see it .Is there a requirement for it? and if it is may I dont pick any perk now and pick Living Anatomy after I will meet the requirements?
akybo said:
Per or anyone who can help,you said in your guide that Living Anatomy perk is at lvl12 I just riched 12lvl and I dont see it .Is there a requirement for it?

If you reached level 12 AND have 60% of Doctor skill (and potentially a high Intelligence, but I'm not certain), you can pick this perk.

akybo said:
and if it is may I dont pick any perk now and pick Living Anatomy after I will meet the requirements?

Yes, you can select it at level 15, 18, 21 etc. However, if you don't pick a perk now, you won't gain another one at Level 15, You can't save perks for later longer than 2 levels.
When I see a thread titled "Help me", for some reason I think that a ghost that haunts NMA is posting.
calculon00 said:
When I see a thread titled "Help me", for some reason I think that a ghost that haunts NMA is posting.

I can ask for help in this thread man.You should be happy Fallout is not a dead game.
if you think that way every goddamn thread under this forum should be named "help me". it's such a helpful title!
akybo said:
I can ask for help in this thread man.You should be happy Fallout is not a dead game.

No, n00b, you should be happy you got the response, despite giving no information whatsoever about your problem in the topic title. If you're uninformative, don't expect others to be.

Calc, give the poor n00b a break ;)
SuAside said:
if you think that way every goddamn thread under this forum should be named "help me". it's such a helpful title!
No, n00b, you should be happy you got the response, despite giving no information whatsoever about your problem in the topic title. If you're uninformative, don't expect others to be.

Calc, give the poor n00b a break
Take some pills.You're from a click away in finding the info.
Per said:
Game help can be found in my Fallout guides.

Well, you're a click away from all the Fallout gameplay info you'll ever need. So really, we could just ridicule you for not looking there.

Please, don't show others a "I'm here to do what I wan and you're here to bow to my whims" attitude, because it may get you in trouble.

It's commonly accepted that the topic names ought to be as informative and concise as possible, especially in gameplay help forums.

A happy new year to you.
:) no man that wasnt my attitude at all but it bothers me when someone new come to a forum and others flame him couse they got 1000 posts in here,this is kindergarden.But it's ok it was my mistake after all.I still am glad I found this forum and a Happy New Year for all.

the reason you're getting hassled isnt the fact that you've got 7 posts. it's the fact that you use the most stupid titles in the world and then mouth off to other members.

chill out or you'll soon get a visit from good ol' Roshy.
akybo said:
I can ask for help in this thread man.

And others can tell you to read the fucking manual like every other sentient being that has done so.

You should be happy Fallout is not a dead game.

It's not because of chuckleheads who come onto a forum with an attitude, I can say that for certain. Also, what kind of moron starts with the Feargus SLAM DUNK! sequel, first? You didn't even bother to say which game it was, so really, what's to stop anyone from Vatting this thread for failing to give the required information?

You also have to start giving attitude at how people remark at how poorly able you are to come up with thread titles. "help me" That really gives people some idea as if they should waste their time on such a topic by clicking the link to find out if it's something they could help with.

Take some pills.You're from a click away in finding the info.

You are three clicks away from learning a week's lesson in using forums.

no man that wasnt my attitude at all but it bothers me when someone new come to a forum and others flame him couse they got 1000 posts in here,this is kindergarden.

Funny, I thought most people learned common sense in kindergarten. It bothers most of the regulars around here (I suppose people with over 1000 posts) when they have to deal with some chucklehead that can't bother to do the simplest bit of research for themselves and expect people to "help them" on the assumption that we're supposed to be happy that people post *any dreck* on this forum despite the stickies, common netiquette and common sense. It also might occur to brighter people that the admins and moderators might be bothered when someone decides to come in, scrub their ass onto the forum, and then give an attitude.

So, I suppose it's our job to teach you common sense? Ha! We have on average 5-8 people registering per day. What makes you think anyone here gets paid to kindly educate them? What gives you the assumption that such is our job in the first place?

But it's ok it was my mistake after all.

So was giving an attitude.

I still am glad I found this forum and a Happy New Year for all.

My new year would be a bit more happy if I didn't have to deal with the childishness. You haven't even been flamed yet. Shut up, else the hole you dug yourself becomes deeper.
You cant be serious,I didnt even had patience to read all this.
All this for a stupid answer.People here have a serious attitude problem,chill out .Words like fuking and shut up :) come on dont make me pull out the havy artilery in here.
If this is the only way u can fell good about your selves go ahead.
If your new year depends on me lol get a life man.
ps:ban me ,you will fell even better trust me.